Tuesday, October 28, 2008
你会为爱情等待多久? 一个月
The Little Prince
Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life... For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me:"I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset now.""But we must wait," I said."Wait? For what?""For the sunset. We must wait until it is time."At first you seemed to be very much surprised. And then you laughed to yourself. You said to me:"I am always thinking that I am at home!"Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is setting over France.If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into the sunset, right from noon. Unfortunately, France is too far away for that. But on your tiny planet, my little prince, all you need to do is move your chair a few steps. You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like..."One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset fourty-four times!"And a little later you added:"You know--one loves the sunset, when one is sad...""Were you so sad, then?" I asked, "on the day of the fourty-four sunsets?"But the little prince made no reply.-Chapter 6, The Little Prince
Dooms Day
Tomorrow is dooms day. I'm going to die.. I'm sccaarreeedd!
Went crazy awhile ago, bought $60 worth of books.. Hehe. 3 books from the twilight series and a chinese book for 阅读报告. Reading the chinese book first, it's quite interesting, the story's so cute, haha. It's called '月亮城'.
如果做一些事能够给朋友支持的力量我愿意去做-月亮城“诺言望着满柜的衣服,似乎每一件都不合心意。痛苦。他第一次感到如此苦恼。忽然,房门啪的一声被人打开。‘喂,在选国王的新衣啊?’约言径自走进诺言的房间,笑嘻嘻地问。”Haha. It's so cute. But now I'm still quite confused on what the story's about. xD
Monday, October 27, 2008
责备什么人也没有用 玫瑰都红 难免看错
原来每颗心都有个洞 找不到真爱 会一直寂寞
我但愿有一个人在等我 在属于我的612星球
好让我忍着痛也愿意往下走 不快了至少要有梦
一定会有一个人在等我 无条件拥抱着我的所有
相遇前我还要翻越多少山丘 花别谢太快 请你等等我
小王子说爱一定开在某个角落 路上相爱的人那么多
我会幸福吗 在什么时候
Saturday, October 25, 2008
it's been a day.
1 day, in 13 minutes.
Went out today. This outing was supposed to have
more people. But apparantly, we only had 6 people in the end. Me, eunice, zy, denise, brendan, jk. Haha.
We watched some pervy show;'band camp' at some super cool theature place at jk's condo. It's like a mini cinema, and there's only us and the screen (of course, sweets and crackers included). Hehe. I didn't know condo's had such a place. And the deposit to book the theature was like... $400! 0.0
After that, we went for impromtu movie at Ehub, guess what movie?
"HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3"! By then it was already 7+, but the 730 show was sold out, so we had no choice but to watch the 9pm one. And it lasted for 2 hrs in the end.. Soooo latee. Spent the waiting time eating chicken rice then buying stuff at fairprice. Haha. The cashier didn't let us buy jolly shandy, I don't know why! There's like only 0.5% alcohol and she asked for our IC.. In the end, we asked jk to buy for us at another cashier then it passed.. I thought jolly shandy was ok?
Anyways.. HSM3 was sweet! Troy and Gabriella were like sooo sweet to each other. Haha. Ohhh, I'm jealous.. >.< It's nice, go watch! Hahaha.
I'm tired now. Going to have to chiong finished my chinese chao xie by tmr. Go me! 16 more pages to go! Sleep time!
1 day has passed. Many more to come!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm nhappy
nhappy.. Haha
Today's '
class outing' was cool. I'm not going to talk about school since it was seriously sleeping time/super boring. CME learning journey was just.. Horrible.. I just have no interest. Haha.
Went to kallang leisure centre for bowling afterwards. More than 16 people went! And 16 people bowled.
First round was cool, we took 2 lanes, so it's 8-8 each lane. Shouyi is seriously imbaa. But I was still third ranking, with a score of 105. 1 point away from chunseng and 10+++ away from shouyi. Haha. As usual, first round was sort of warming up round, haha.
Then was our
second round, competition team round. We divided ourselves randomly into 3 teams. SY, CS and me being the 'team leaders', we each picked a fruit. And those who chose our fruit is in our team. Haha. And guess what? Loser team has a forfeit;
catwalking in public (it ended up at the entrance of the bowling centre, haha).
team pear! Which consists of me, daniel, chloe, tongwei and kuanliang. Haha. We were like super bad at the start. Then things just got better and HELLO strikes and spares! Got myself a few spares and did I strike? Maybe.. And lalala, I improved by 2 and got a 107 in the end. Pictures will be up AFTER I got the other pics. Team pear managed a final score of
386! With an average of 77.2 which won CS's team. Haha. So we were safe from catwalking. But then SY's team... SY got like almost full strike. First was 9, then strikes all the way with a few spares in the middle. Ohhh, he pulled up his team's score like crazy. Didn't count their total, but oh well.. They won CS's team. Haha. Then was the all amazing catwalk. They each got an individual video, haha. Who know's if it'll be posted up on our classblog. Maybe. (:
YES! I'm so happy I broke
100 in both rounds (: Lady luck is with me. For bowling
only that is.. Hehe.
We walked to KFC after bowling, ate then started playing zhong ji mi ma. Loser drinks this weird drink (mixing a few drinks together). One time I had to drink, (it was pretty nice tho!) and just when I was about to finish, SY suddenly made me laugh and I spitted it all out in my cup =.= Lucky no mess was made. Zomg, that was embarrassing. Haha. I almost choked! Afterwards we switched to play murderer, but only managed like 2 rounds before we left to go somewhere else. Walked to the basketball court nearby and the others started playing, then I went off first with eunice. I'm tired... Haha. Anyway, it started raining heavily like 10 mins after we left..
Oh well, now I'm back to '
idling mode'. I'm bored.......
SUPER bored..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So sweet
http://www.goodybooks.com/ibelieveyou1.htmRead this story. It's so sweet. Haha.
I feel like 'joanna'. Well.. At some parts of the story. Which parts? I shall not say. Hehe.
Anyway. Today was a total waste of time in school. But went out to watch
'House Bunny' after school. It was overall a bimbotic but hilarious chickflick. And some of them are sooo pretty! I didn't realise katherine mcphee acted in it.
I feel proud of myself. I started copying cheng yu for HCL hols hw until 'H'. And I finished my periodic table ws (except for like 2 small qns). I feel accomplished. Haha. JIAYOU!
“Remember: To be happy, you either change the world, or you change your thinking. To be realistic, you have to change your thinking to be happy. But me, I will change the world for you.”
I said nothing because my mouth had been choked with my sobbing.
Gosh oh gosh. Don’t wake me up. Please, let time reach a standstill now. Right now. Gosh.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
No more emo-ing! For now.. Haha
It's useless to cry anyway. It's over, and I screwed my EOYs. Fine..
But.. I SWEAR I'll try much harder next year. It's mug mug mug! No more slacking for me. GOGOGO! JIAYOU! >.<
I'm tired.. Hehe xP
Monday, October 20, 2008
How long has it been since I cried?
I screwed up everything..
Nothing is going on right, nothing..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I'm getting lazy to blog.. Oh noo. This can't happen. Well, I promise I'll post about the wonderful kbox day and that random day out to bowl (which costs me 2 nails)..
Hehe. Sorry, emo period. 下雨天 is a nice song. Oh well. I guess it's over now? Hmm. I almost wanted to post an emo speech. But unfortunately.. That backspace button is too tempting I deleted it all. One word to summarise it all? Tired..
下雨天了怎么办我好想你不敢打给你我找不到原因什么失眠的声音变得好熟悉沉默的场景做你的代替陪我听雨滴期待让人越来越沉溺谁和我一样等不到他的谁爱上你我总在学会寂寞的滋味一个人撑伞一个人擦泪一个人好累怎样的雨 怎样的夜怎样的我能让你更想念雨要多大 天要多黑才能够有你的体贴其实没有我你分不清那些差别结局还能多明显别说你会难过别说你想改变被爱的人不用道歉期待让人越来越疲惫谁和我一样等不到他的谁爱上你我总在学会寂寞的滋味
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
11:11 again?
Yess! How many times have it been already? I was lucky, it was just about to change. Hehe. Does this entitle me with 4 more wishes? Hmm. Naah. I shall not be so greedy.
But I guess exams are not that lucky. Well, I'll update more tomorrow, plus pictures about today's adventure at katong mall. LOL!
Have to sleep now! Regain those hours of sleep I lost because of the exams. I guess it was mainly my fault - procrastination strikes again. But nevermind. Now, sleep is most important.
Pity pity those that have to go school again tomorrow morning. Sorry, I'm not gloating.. Really, I'm not! (:
Oh no..
I feel like a pig. Wait, I take back my words. Haha.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Chemistry was just horrible. I think there's even a high chance I might fail. Like.. Good luck, seriously. Even though I
somehow managed to finish the paper, I think most of it is like nonsense and there's even some blanks I think. Chemistry is just confusing. Great... This is going to seriously pull my overall down... T.T
Oh well. Went out to eat again after exams. Long John again. Haha. I managed to brainwash so many to eat long john. Success! On the way home, somehow we started to camwhore. Haha. Today is uploading pictures day!
Empty train! Haha (:
JM and eunice going crazy, haha. Ok.. Mainly JM.
DingTaiFeng day! Other UNGLAM photoes are with JM. We took SUPER long to decide who was to eat the lone (and finally polluted by ginger/vinegar/soyasauce/chilisauce) xiao long bao. At the end jillian was the chosen one! Haha
Ewwww... She said it's sweet, spicy, sour and salty. LOL!
Mmmm. My regular pizza hut dish. Haha. Of course, spammed with loads and loads of cheese!
It all started when I randomly took a picture.. Oh I guess it's my fault >.<
And of course, JM had to come up with some weird ideas... In public -.- Hahaa!
And the camwhoring begins. Notice that the colour is nicest in the middle (: Haha. Eunice says it's diffusion, only half of her and JM's face have colour >.<>
In the midst of talking and... *SNAP*
Eunice says it's a funny pose. Haha!
Imagine about 2-3 more piles of this. And imagine how I look for my notes everyday before each exam. *faints*
Friday, October 10, 2008
Higher chinese is a killer paper. And I have a feeling the other two remaining paper would be like... Worse? Hehe, I have a premonition.. Me? Dying.
I love jay chou's new album! Who'd me so kind as to buy me a
LITTLE prezzie (: Haha. My parents won't buy it until the china edition comes out I think, and it's NOT GOOD. Sorry I'm
spoilt. Haha. I'm so not k? Ok, I'm contradicting myself. But I want it, NOW NOW NOW! I don't care! Hehe. Oh yes, and there's S.H.E's new album also. Too bad I'm bankrupt le.
Took neoprint today! With JM and eunice at tiong bahru, haha. It was a random and totally out of the topic decision. Eunice looks like she came from a wu xia xiao shuo, and JM just looks like... Typical JM with a crazier hairstyle. And me? I just look weird. ): Ugly ugly me.
Bro's having his school's graduation ceremony today. He's finally graduating out of VS! Haha. (but because he's not home yet, I can't use the scanner to scan the neos.. SORRY JIAMIN!) It shall be posted up some other day! Hopefully... Haha
I swear I'm not emo-ing... Reality is so cruel. I'm living in a lie, and I'm so enjoying it now. (: Are you disappointed it's not emo talk? Haha
Thursday, October 09, 2008
3 more
Last three papers to
Physics and biology killed me.. Now HCL, chem and A math can continue this serial murder case. The victim of course, if me. Good luck, good luck and good luck to me and everyone else out there. All the poor unfortunate souls..
Somehow I have this feeling the later it gets the crazier my mind works... Is that logical? Nah. Didn't think so.
Anyway, I've been living the good life these 2 days. After physics was ding tai feng, currently the place with the best xiao long bao, fried rice and suan la tang (not forgetting the wonderful vinegar! Haha. Our 'valentines' day ritual? Hehe). It was delicious of course! Haha. Pictures WILL be up during the weekend after JM posted hers, haha. Have to steal some pics from her (:
Then awhile ago was fine dining at... PIZZA HUT! Haha. Well, not so fine, but fine enough for me. That reminds me of our Iowa pizza hut visits. Where we go in bunches of up to 13 people or more. Finish who knows how many bottles of cheese and making large amplitudes of noise. Ahh... Good times.. Good times..
Haha. Higher chinese exam tomorrow. Hopefully I don't write the wrong word.. Higher Chinese is luck, seriously. May lady luck be with me (:
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Brain cells depletion
I'm having serious brain cells depletion now. Physics is killing my brain. And I can just imagine studying Biology tomorrow..
Lucky math was okay today (:
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I can't remember the points.... How? ):
History is going to kill me.
And I haven't really got to revising the other subjects..
Oh no.. Oh no..
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Just another one
I feel so unspecial.. *sigh* I'm a confused person.
Haha. I'm hungry, and dinner's not back yet. Zzz.. I feel like a pig. LOL.
I think we're gonna watch DVD later. Hopefully they ordered something nice to munch on during the show!
Read lots of history notes today. But how much of it actually got in... I think less than 5%. Haha. Awww. Wasted another day ):
Reading Tsubasa Chronicles now, I LOVE FYE! So kawaii! ^^ But he's such a sad character.. So similar -.-
Friday, October 03, 2008
No more
I missed my 4th 11:11. I guess it's over now huh?
Anyway, LA today was, sort of screwed up. I guess self-hypnotism isn't that useful afterall. Haha. Unless I get a wonderful shock when the results are out (dreaming here, ignore me -.-).
12 wishes then.. Let's see..
1) Good results for EOYs
2) Long live ruby! (Get well soon, my baby)
3) Good results for everyone else! (:
4) Stop people around me from emo-ing
5) Get a life
6) Learn something interesting (archery, horse riding, drums, TENNIS!)
7) Grow taller! (even though I know it's hopeless -.-)
9) Bro get straight A1s for O levels!
10) *empty*
11) *empty*Hehe. 2 more wishes yet to make. Ruby is not actually sick, just an infection I think, so she had to wear this collar thing around her head, and because of it she's become even more clumsy than she already is! Poor ruby! ): She's getting old... And I'll be learning tennis after EOYs! Yay me! Just hope the plans don't change again -.-
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE FOR EOYs! Exams may be tough, but we can do it!7 more papers till FREEDOM!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
11:11 again! My third time in a row!
Someone really misses me.
I can't believe my luck! Coincidence? Or is it fate? Hehe
JM! Does that mean I have 12 wishes now?
You make me feel like jumping around smiling like an idiot, and sitting at a corner crying to myself
I love CA2.. I really do. Haha
But I'm not so sure about EOYs. Good luck to me, good luck to anyone else out there taking their EOYs tomorrow.
Who know's if I'll make it or not? All I can say is, I'll try my best!
Let's see if it works >.<
Self motivation! Haha.
second 11:11
I saw my second 11:11 today. Or should I say, yesterday. Haha.
Been sleeping around 12am recently. Oh noo. It's becoming a habit.. Good or bad? I have no idea (:
Kk.. I better go now. Hehe
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Been slacking quite a lot today. Read and read all the notes but I'm not sure if I can remember anything at all. Studied only LA today.. Haix.. I'm running out of time..
Got to go refresh my memory later, then pack my notes.. Oh nooo..
I don't want to wake up from a dream so real.