Friday, August 29, 2008
Teachers day!
Including Mrs TEO!
Especially.. DING LAO SHI! aka DING YE! The shengs and suonas love you! Haha. *ding ding ding ding ding.. DING DING!*
Today we were really AA! Hehe. For some of us, it was SOCCER MANIA! Then played volleyball, ate jiamin's delicious spaghetti then went for CO! Haha. I reallly have no life -.-
Our GIRLS SOCCER TEAM! So called 'sure win' soccer team! LOL
Our team's CHEERLEADER! hehe XD
ZL-ing in the toilet!
Our failed attempt at ZL-ing! ZY ran away to early!
A mirror is a girl's best friend! Haha. But KY is hiding behind ):
AHEM! Guess who's phone is that (:
SOCCER MANIA! Chloe is emo-ing at the side. LOL
SONGJIA! Haha. Suona power!
With the jnrs after CO on the MRT! it's me, clar and bev, but bev's not looking ):
Everyone is leaving out our poor tuanzhang.!

Jiayu asking clar for a slice of pizza! Haha. he's giving a weird face! (:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Haha. I'm bored.. Taking some quiz from COOL SITE!
WHEN AND HOW WILL YOU DIE?Aww.. I'll die on the 18th of November 2053... And I'll die because of laziness and I'll feel pain! OH NO!
HOW INSANE ARE YOU?I have Schizophrenia.. But I'll be cured! Haha. I'm 32% insane only! Told you I'm normal.
HOW LOVED ARE YOU?71 people love me. (: but I'm only 55% loved.. Awwwww!
WHAT ODD EVENT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU IN THE FUTURE?'You will be tied to a floor lamp and forced to watch the Disney Channel for three weeks straight.' Oh no! Haha. It'll happen on 18 Feb 2042.. AND YES! I won't be traumatized for life. haha.
WHO'S YOUR SOUL MATE?HAHAHAH! Some guy called Joel. We'll marry the day we meet and we're 65% involved! Hahaha. Whatever that means.
Hahahaha. This is seriously lame! Tests have driven me mad. GOSH... I'm gonna fail bio seriously.... -.-
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
School is driving me nuts..
Studying bio, and I have like 96 more slides to go. Good luck me (:
And there's still textbook.. And some other random notes to read..
And there's still math test which I didn't study.. But I usually do some qns in class, whatever period it is.. haha.
AND I still haven't completed my chinese essay.. Which is due tomorrow..
Oh no.. I'm so dead.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mummy and Daddy said they'll help me ask if I can make a new one.. But it still doesn't feel right.. It's either my memory sucks or someone at home misplaced it.. But I remember 101% that I brought it home. WAHHH! I'm still sad..
Thanks to those people who tried to cheer me up today!
Gosh.. I'm acting like a tweet..
Performance today was ok. Great job to sn and kw :D Haha. And I realise that CO is getting more and more scandalous by the day! Haha. I feel so pure now. Ohh, I can't wait for huang he..
I'm blabbering again.. And my eyes hurt.. I think something got in..
I shall stop before I start sounding like a retard. Or did that already happened? Hehe.
Mummy and Daddy said they'll help me ask if I can make a new one..
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm tired! So super uber tired... :( class photo taking was like sort of screwed up.. Somehow there was a problem and everything we took was gone.. So we had to retake and Mr tan was rushing us like crazy.. No one was ready and looking at the camera then 'SNAP!'.. GOSH. And I think I look horrible in it, hahah, my hair is like messed up.. Ahhh.. Whatever..
Our LA film is dead. Seriously dead. And there's still CO tmr.. Oh noooo...
I need entertainment.. Serious entertainment..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'm not emo anymore! Hoho. And I realise I'm pretty high right now. Haha.
And xu lao shi is talking to me! Omg.. Haha. We're too noisy :( Aww.. I'll try to tune down.. But I'm actually making the least noise amongst the 3 of us.. Haha. CHLOE, JILL!!
Anyway.. LA is kinda screwed still.. Gosh, we're rushing for time! Just now because my laptop went dead and we're waiting for something to load or something, we started camwhoring. Haha. MAC WEBCAM IS SUPER UBER COOL!
I've always wanted to take a pic with this effect!
This is pretty nice :D Gen's sis's head was cut in a lil. Haha
Shilun is black.. Haha
No effects :D Spot our special guest star (CJ7!)
My hair looks long here!

My second favourite! :D

My favourite pic! Monster attack! GRR..!

Gen looks really freaky here.........

Ohhh! This is nice. Shilun looks like a drug addict with black teeth.. Gen still looks scary..... Eunice wants to go to the toilet but she can't help but join us.. And me and chloe are unsuccessfully making kissy faces at each other.! Hahaha
Have fun :D
Monday, August 18, 2008
EVERLASTING - BOALight pours down and the wind blowsOn the snowflakes that remain on the roadsideWhether I hold my head high or look downThe seasons don’t stop movingOur words, “See you” and “See you again”Were like a pinky promiseWill we forget all of each other’s familiar mannerisms?Will we go on to different futures?If this goodbye is foreverThen I’ll give you all my smilesThe way we met and the streets we walkedWill live on in our heartsI’ll never, ever forget youNo matter how many doors I openNo matter how far apart we areI’ll never let go of your handI have to forget you, even if I have to force myself toI can’t become a new personThe platform begins to move, and on the other sideYou get smallerThose times you gave up, that was for meYou cried with me and said it was OKI’ll grow stronger and less ashamedI promise you, I’ll fulfil my dreamsSilent tearsAre falling in my heartBut I’ll move on with no regretsI’m sorry for your tendernessUntil we meet againEverlasting...If this goodbye is foreverThen I’ll give you all my smilesThe way we met and the streets we walkedWill live on in our heartsI’ll never, ever forget youNo matter how many doors I openNo matter how far apart we areI’ll never let go of your handI'm obsessed over BoA now.. Haha. Maybe the next post will be 'meri kuri'.. Or maybe 'love bug' haha. OBSESSION!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I'm tired...
Tired of this screwed up life.
Tired of this meaningless life.
Tired of this hopeless life.
Tired of being all alone.
Tired of being left out.
Tired of being the odd one out.
Tired of being 'different' than everyone else.
Tired of people assuming what I think, who I am.
Tired of seeing all the smiling faces around me.
Tired of neglect.
Tired of fear.
Tired of acting.
Tired of life..
I'm EMO-ING... Just let me die.. -.-
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Pissed off
Today is a seriously horrible day. I'm like in a super bad mood.. Though I cooled off a little already.
Lessons today were like.. Crazy.. Oh gosh I can't stand school anymore.. I've lost all my motivation for coming to school and studying.. NO MORE MOTIVATION...
And it's not like I'm not tired and pissed off enough already.. Then comes a certain person who keeps ap-ing non stop.. It's been decades since I lost my temper.. DECADES.. ARGH.. I'm going crazy..
COOL DOWN..... I shall learn how to be calm and ignore anything.. Hehe. Good luck me..
Something nice I read somewhere...
There are 4 things you cannot recover..
The stone.. After the throw
The word.. After it's said
The occasion.. After the loss
The time.. After it's gone
Well.. That's enough for today.. Got home like 10+ last night.. Didn't even get enough sleep.. I'm soo tired.. Have to finish my chinese essay and go sleep.. I GIVE UP ON VECTORS..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back to school. I feel like skipping lessons again.. Tired, tired, tired.. Having the day off is great..
Tomorrow is seriously going to be a long day.. Long school hours with LA filming after that.. I'm gonna die! There's like so many scenes left, who knows if we'll even finish by tomorrow. Hopefully we wouldn't need backup..
I dun feel like blogging anymore. Life's a bitch..
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Don't be emo!
I don't feel like typing alot today.. Partly cause I'm not feeling well.. Aww. I didn't know I'd really get sick..
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JAYCE DARL!Sorry for the late bday wish.. If you even see this. Hahaha! And for your presant... You'll have to wait.. Heheh. We should go out someday.. when we have the time.. LOVE YOU :D
I love the sky :D
Anyway.. I want the diary for "one litre of tears".. If there even is an english copy..
"Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing"Maybe one day I'll get what that means.. I hope I do.. Soon... I'm starting to feel a serious drag in life.. The no-life I have and the pointlessness in what I do everyday.. I have NO MORE motivation left.. Everyday is like routine..
1. waking up so early
2. going to school
3. listening to the teacher trying not to fall asleep
4. getting over whatever stupid problems stuck in this crazy head
5. *secret* heheh.
6. TESTS, TESTS and more 'wonderful' TESTS thats been going on at least twice a week since we returned from hols, IDMI week and elective week..
which means..
7. studying, studying and studying through late nights (NO SLEEP).. I'm already a panda.. And this isn't helping.. >:(
8. CO on monday, tues and friday (which can be interesting.. sometimes.. haha. but at least I enjoy CO more)
9. travelling.. Which takes at least 1.5 hours for one journey.. Not including the 1 hour I take to go to school.
10. practicing piano for at least an hour (for now until thurs/dooms day)
11. of course there will be projects and assignments
1. projects (rushing LA film now..)
2. tuition.. (argh.. math..)
3. this is optional, only for certain weekends.. (CO perf, or concerts for other misc. stuff)
What a no lifer I am.. And I have a feeling I left some things out too..