Gosh I feel so guilty for not doing anything for the IDMI... Besides making the penguins and all. Was supposed to do the poster and all but.. Today was packed.. Had tuition in the afternoon then had to go to the hospital to visit my grandma. She's having an operation on tuesday, hope everything goes well.. Just came back and had dinner.. Ahhh.. I still feel so guilty..
"One more day.. All I ask for is one more day with you"
I love elective :D
Uploading pictures later after my piano lesson, don't have time to upload now. Elective was SUPER SLACK.. We end like the earliest everyday and all we did was listen to the teacher talk (I think we did.. Or maybe not) during the first day..
Second day, went to the museum and walked around looking for answers (ended early too cause we got our answers before the thing started, and finished less than 5 mins after it started), then was supposed to go eat some peranakan food but the shop wasn't open, so ended early at 11+, walked to plaza sing to eat pizza hut and went home :D
Third day was the best! Went to xiao xuan feng.. Watch the cooks make the xiao long bao and la mian, then saw a guy carve a crane out of a white carrot! It was incredible! Then we had hands on trying to make xiao long bao.. My group came up second place.. I made a good one! (only once :P) Then tried to make la mian (which I failed miserably). Then we had question and answer where the PRCs answered everything and I just had to ring the bell to snatch the question. PWNED the other groups :D (our price was a free LARGE cup of smoothie and a dish) Then was lunch time! Ate the la mian, smoothie, a dish (MANTOU!) and supposed to have another which never came (but cause we were so full in the end we didn't bothered). Too bad linda was sick :(
Today was basically making our poster, which was really slack, and answering the questions straight out of the handout. Haha. Boring, but fast and slack.
So sad we won't have youth day HOLIDAY.. There's IDMI tmr, then CO.... I don't mind CO, I'm like used to it.. But IDMI.. *SIGH*... Then after IDMI there's CO... Gosh...
"Our paths met today. I smiled, did you?"
It's been a long time since I've updated.. I took some time from homework today to blog.
I'm nowhere near finishish my homework.. It's a TORTURE.. And It's super busy.. Half the holidays, which is the first 2 weeks, are spent in China and HongKong. It was REALLY fun, believe me. But time flies.. And it flew away that time. (pictures are at GY blog)
Before that was level camp, and yup, it was interesting.. Though I didn't really like the walking around and seeing things for less than 5 mins before we go to the next place, part of the trip. Bus journeys were the best. Again.. No pictures for this.. Haha. Weiqi, remind me to send you those pics on MSN.. SORRY FOR THE DELAY.
Back from China, there's LA film to rush, lessons (piano, SY and tuition) continues, homework, and did I say LA flim? LA film was took a super large time. Though it was fun filming, and I love chloe's tripod stand x). And yesterday at the park was amazing, though it rained at first, and everything was wet..
Besides LA filming there's CO.. More like.. Chuida. A practice, performance, then the super traumatizing comm interview. Scared me till I was almost shaking inside. Was the first, and I had to speak in chinese. And just right, when I stepped into the LT.. Looked at all the people staring at me, the vid cam pointing at me... My chinese vocab dropped to a tinee weeny 1% of it's original.. And trust me, the original wasn't alot either. So I was stammering, while thinking of what word to say.. So I screwed it X).. Hmm. What should I feel now?
So yes, yesterday at the park. Fun fun day :D And I'm going to post some pictures. haha.
(This I don't need to comment)

(Finding a dry enough place to dump all our bags, or maybe we're just planning what to do, well, it took some time to climb up)
(See the heli with the sg flag?)
(All the time we were taking pictures... *Sigh*)
And now the fun begins... Or they seem to think so...
(Reuben climbing up the rock)
(Down he goes..)
(Into position)
(Up he goes again)
(And down again.. =.=)

(Someone saw the fun and joined in..)
(NICE JUMP :D Nice spinning jump thing.. Haha)