Friday, August 31, 2007
Having our first chuida tmr.. Somehow it's exciting. Haha, hopefully I don't screw up. I can't blow properly, especially when I'm nervous then things get worse. Oh.. What the hell...
Went to bugis with mum and dad to change the shoe size to half a size bigger. Apparantly my feet are too small for size 5 and too big for size 4 half... Bought 4 half at first, so went to change to five, then started searching everywhere for insole (sp?).. In the end got one gel type insole, so it's comfy and now I can walk properly.
It's weird wearing high heels, I think even my dad knows more about wearing high heels than I do.. Plus it's like 2.5 inches high, tho my mum says it's short already, and dad says next time I'll be wearing at LEAST 3 inches, not below.. That's so sad. My poor feet. OUCH.. Walked in the shoe from bugis to shaw tower where my dad's car is.. Sometimes I got the walking thing right and sometimes I'm just dragging my feet along. But I somehow got it after I reached home.
I realised the stockings I bought near ghim moh sucks like hell. It's easy to wear but the colour sucks. My mum asked me to wear hers instead. It's normal skin colour.. At least, for me..
Anyways, today's teachers day performance was kinda fun. I'll post the pics some other day.. Wanna bathe and sleep.. :)
It's sad whenever I think about it, STAY OUTTA MY HEAD! SHOO!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
What do you expect from me?
I'm trying my best to tell you already. Seriously, what do you expect from me? Everybody makes mistake. Even so, this isn't entirely my fault. Why won't you just listen.. You know it's not so easy to explain everything. You've got experience, you know what to do.. Yes, I should trust your judgement, but why won't you just LISTEN to me first.. Fine, I said I'll do what you say. Do whatever you want. Then why won't you leave it as that!? I'm worried, nervous, tired and I don't want to do everything in the last minute again. Why must you suggest things that you know I will NEVER do.. Why look back and put the blame on someone else? IT'S OVER.. I'm not being a follower, I make my own decisions, so don't say things which you don't understand!I have my feelings.. And I really hope you can respect that. Try to understand what I'm going through and maybe you'll know then.. I don't think I can talk to you like I did ever before...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Oh my god I'm so dead.. Haha. Cause of our teacher's day stuff I've missed so many things. Last week fenzu missed the first half.. Then tues shangyin was moved back to sat, meaning today, but I couldn't then I told song jia to tell dls.. OH GOSH, but i think she never say.. Gonna get scolding for skipping shangyin now.. HAHA. :( and plus, I think I have to skip a little fenzu again tomorrow for the preparations of the mask for the full dress rehersal..
Today went shopping for our 'costumes'. We spent like more than 2 hours pacing around This Fashion and trying on stuff. We practically took the whole fitting room. There were either not enough of this colour, or the size is wrong blah blah.. Finally settled with a black lacy/pearly/ribbony knee-length skirt and a brown or black half top (those ms ngau always wears.. Haha. Now we know where she buys all her tops).. So yeah, we took super long, then went to eat then went to eunice lee's house. Stayed at the gym to practice since there's a full length mirror. It's still abit messy, haha. But at least we all got our steps right already.
Just got home awhile ago.. I'm really so dead for the shangyin thing.. Plus the bad thing is that, songjia NEVER EVER EVER answers her phone EVER... I can't contact her.. Seriously, she should change her phone..
Thursday, August 23, 2007
YAY! Iowa got in teacher's day audition! Going to buy our 'costume' this saturday. It's either a skirt or a dress, to suit the masquerade theme. Then we're having a full dress rehersal on tues. Can't wait! :)
Anyway.. Piano exam's tmr.. This I CAN wait.. GOSH.. I'm so not ready..
Maybe saying the truth would be better. But what if the truth would hurt? It's such a dilemma.
Having two faces is tiring. Being optimistic is also getting tiring. Sometimes I really wonder what things would be like to drop this mask, stop saying things I don't mean, stop acting like I don't.... It's too difficult to say. Life goes on, but it's meaningless, pointless.
Sometimes the silence is good. But sometimes I really cannot stand it. This silence never used to last so long. What happened? It's frustrating everytime I think about it. Life had gotten boring.. It's like.. My life movie had been stuck at the pause button.. Yet... yours is still playing....
If all our wishes would come true, things would be much simpler, life sweeter. If only things could turn out right instead of wrong.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Buck up!!
I need to buck up! I've been procrastinating for too long.. OH the chimness.. Haha. Let's not get carried away. 5 days more to piano exam and I'm still having LOTS of trouble with scales. And the piano in the examination room sucks to the core. I could just fail my freaking scales for god sakes! Who the hell came up with this stupid idea of SCALES anyway... ):
Was doing my math today while waiting for my bro to finish his lesson at the studio. It's so difficult.. Left like lots of blanks.. Nvm.. Just go copy the rest in school tmr. Haha. And I won't be going to school for CO on friday.. GO PIANO! I think I'll have a mental breakdown and just faint right after the exam.. I think I'll get lost there! How do you even go there and come home? Why must yicha be so deserted...
Only good thing to rejoice at is at my recent few results.. Haha. Firstly, I didn't fail my math! Just passed. But what the hell, at least I passed! Then got 20 for science. HAHA! This one was super shocking. Maybe I could consider triple afterall.. Anyway, my parents and bro are all asking me to take triple.
Expo chuida performance was cancelled.. GO EILEEN! No need to worry anymore. But the others still wants extra practice for huibao.. And I think I need some too. Specially for dazu songs and one small part in longteng. No offence but practicing ourselves works much better than fenzu.. SERIOUSLY! We practically do nothing in fenzus.. Well.. Whatever..
Better remember to sms my piano teacher for the exam thing to give the school for a leave form.. I can't wait for the december hols!
Not forgetting.. This is a pic of Iowa's "class pet".. It's humongous lizard! Hahaa!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
HAHA! I'm so proud of myself. I just wrote an exactly 1000 words essay on SHYLOCK. Crappy and full of quotations, but still proud. My first 1000 word essay.. HAHA.. I don't know whether to be happy I actually wrote it, or sad that it's my FIRST time. Hopefully there's no word limit.. Or I'm SO DEAD..
Really tired now. Slept so late these days. I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP!
Nighty nights!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I'm sorry.. I missed out.. I should have paid more attention. Just 10 minutes earlier and maybe... Sorry... :(
Too little time
So many things to complete! Time passes so fast when you're enjoying yourself.. It seems like the mini holidays just started.. It's gone so soon!
Curses.. It's back to waking up early and suffering.. Plus, I think there's a Chinese test coming.. AND MY PIANO EXAM... 2 more weeks.. Just 2 more weeks..
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I'm bored... Haha
Currently super addicted to MCR's '
Teenagers'. It's like a totally cool song. Plus Gerard Way is such an eye candy. He's so spaz. :)
I'm looping that song with a few other of the Jonas Brothers's songs.. '
Hold On', '
Poor Unfortunate Souls' and '
6 minutes'.. And the Jonas Brothers have another eye candy.. JOE JONAS! Hahaha.
The night had left me going crazy... X)
I have a HORRIBLE nightmare last night. Luckily.. Dreams never do come true.
Anyway.. Went out to do PBL yesterday, but ended up slacking.. It was, kinda expected. Haha. After that went to swensens with yihui and the eunices. Yes, we were mad.. Actually stepping into swensens..
Ended up buying an ice-cream each, except for yihui.. Which, I will show you what happen next... Hahaha. We got our fill of delicious ice-cream and amazing entertainment.
You know.. It's actually very obvious what happens next. What would happen if you just LOOK at people eat in front of you? Well.. It would NEVER happen cause you'll start acting like yihui then.. You can never just LOOK.. Haha :)

First... It started off with the eunice's cup ice-cream... Well, that's still acceptable.. But...
Surely tt wasn't enough! Even my choco pop CONE wasn't let off.. T.T
The way she was staring so intently at our ice-creams... AHHH...

Alas... We finally gave in.. See the look of content on her face.. :)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I love white sands! But cause of the fair I got burnt on my nose.. AHH.. It was quite fun. Met mrs teo, she was doing manicure so me and jill went to support. In the end I had to wear it to the outing since I went straight... I so regretted doing pink.. Should've chosen something else like.. Red and white, or black... HAHA. OK.. So I AM mad..
Went to DHS straight after that to meet the others. Got cookies and a postcard. Haha. The seniors wanted to play ball, so we had no choice. But we still went to partyworld after that to sing. It was OK.. Went for dinner then went home after that. I'm so broke already larh.. Hell..
Actually wanted to watch fireworks.. But didn't have any that day. That's so depressing.. Then no one's gonna go watch with me today... That's even more depressing.. How I wish.....
Oh no! Our first performance is coming up. Sept something. Haha! Gosh I love DHSCOGY :)... Gonna help out eileen nxt week since she has to go for the first one too.. Goodluck to us!
Going back to WSPS on weds. It's so exciting to finally go back.. I'll feel
TALL and
SENIOR-ISH again. HAHA. Will be rushing back for GY outing after that. Have to thank the other sec 2s for that, if not I'll be having a good nap at home. The almost final outing with the sec 4s.. Awww. We'll miss em all :) Huggies to all GY-ians!
Maybe we're having a sleepover at esther's tmr. Then while they go back to school I'm going back home to sleep more till 7.. Oh right... I'll probly reach home to only have time to change. Red shirt.. ARGH..
I'm still shocked over friday's bad news... Utterly speechless...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
OHMYGOSH.. I'm so addicted to naruto now! Haha. Read the manga until chapter 363 already.. SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED! Highlight for spoilers :)
Akatsuki's leader is revealed! And the mystery member is a female! It seems that the leader is going to go after the Kyuubi in naruto.. It'll be so exciting! Imagine the leader fighting naruto! Naruto stands NO chance! GO LEADER!And a super sad news... DEIDARA died! T.T Whyyy!!! He self destructed when he tried to kill sasuke, but killed tobi instead cause tobi couldn't get out in time. But somehow sasuke managed to escape, but killing orochimaru's summon snake thingy. It means.. DEIDARA died for nothing! Even the leader thinks deidara was good.. He asked the other members to at least mourn quietly for deidara.. HAHA!Awww. I can't wait for the other chapters to come out.. Now 1st on my wishlist..
Friday, August 03, 2007
I swear to never work to hard ever a gain. It's basically a waste of time, energy and brain cells! What I learnt isn't tested, and what I DIDN'T learn just loves to pop out of nowhere.. Screw tests, screw math, screw science and screw history! Geog was screwed up long time ago in a faraway land.. Damn, I hate my brain.
Today was the WORST day of my life.. At least.. ONE of em..
Firstly... We had science test during the first period, next was recess, then chinese test, then immediately after was math test, finally was ACC. The only period without tests but bores everyone to death.. That is, if we're not dead by then..
Secondly... My cough is back. I think I should just avoid school for the time being for no matter how much times I visit the doctor to take my medicine I'm not going to get well. Everyone from pasir ris (me, novia, yihui) are sick.. Some others are sick as well.. Hell.. There's a flu bug flying around 2I!
Thirdly... There's like this RULE that you need to give MC whenever you miss a practice in CO or something. Screw this too! I've seen the doctor more times this year than in the past few years.. At least 3-4 times because of this flu and cough symptoms.. Got loads of medicine not finished and everytime I go to the doctor I get more medicine and waste loads of money. What to do? How should I know. My parents is like, unwilling to bring me to the doctor again. Just seen one last friday... I can't do a single thing! And what do they expect? Go to practice and cough every 5 secs after playing a note? I CAN'T GET SICK.. I'VE GOT A PIANO EXAM COMING SOON! So pissed! I don't see why you can't just write a parents letter..
Lastly... I received BAD news.. Very very bad news.. What it is about? I'm not going to say. But it is bad. I'm still too shocked to comment anything besides... It is bad! And this sucks..
Today just sucked to the core... It's like a mixture of sadness, pissed-offness, shockness and omg-I'm-sick-again-ness... Stir it all together and you'll see me crying and beating my pillow while I'm half asleep...
Gosh.. My mind is foggy.. It's causing me to utter nonsensical rubbish...
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
OHMYGOSH... THIS IS STRESSS... Let me countdown what's coming soon :)
1. 2nd August, History Test
2. 3rd August, Math Test
3. 3rd August, Science Test
4. 6th August, LA presentation 2
5. 13th-17th August, Math File
6. 13th-17th August, History Song Project
7. 10th-14th August, Portfolio
8. 24th August, Grade 7 Piano Exam
9. 24th-28th September, End Year LA Test on TKMB and MOV
10. 1st-5th October, End Year History Test on Immigration/WWII/Nationalism 11. 1st-5th October, End Year Geography Test on ??? Just on August.. There's SOO many things to complete. And I may miss out some stuff.. Like.. There's this science project which I'm not sure when it's due..
And a chinese test... Now I'll need to do...
- Study History on WWII, a little on immigration
- Study Math Simultaneous Equation, Trigonometry, Linear/Practical/Quadratic graphs
- Memorise Science Periodic table (electric charges, blah blah blah)
- Study other Chemistry Notes
- Memorise Piano Aural Notes That's all... FOR NOW... ):
ps. OH NOES.. I posted in the wrong blog.. Hahaha!