Sunday, March 25, 2007
Went out the whole day yesterday and today. *YAWN* I'm like super tired now but I still got homework not done. Got to go chiong them later.
Anyway, there's problem in iowa again. I seriously wonder why this year's super messed up. It's just one holiday away from each other and boom! What happened? Well, this is our last year together and I just wanna enjoy this final moment. Lucky I'm not in any of the conflicts. But from what I know, some are resolved. That's good.
Bought stuff worth 90 over dollars today. Haha. The jacket I saw in the teenage magazine and some other stuff. It's so cool lorh. But the jacket itself cost about 59.90 already. Lucky there's a discount. Haha.
And lastly... I can only check the TMNT movie time on weds.. They only let me check up until weds today. SAD... So yah, there's a set outing this sat
unless really alot of people can't make it. So yeah, keep that date free!
Sunday, March 18, 2007

What a horrible holiday this was huh? Haha. Got some m'sia tip pics from the guanyue blog awhile ago. Woah.. Haha. This holiday isn't a nice holiday. Teacher's should remove the word 'homework' from the dictionary and burn it into nothingness! Same thing for 'projects'.
Why do they give us a godamn holiday when it's for us to MUG MUG and MUG at home. Well, at least it's in the comforts of our home, but they forgot the computer. Oh what distraction can it be... School is gonna start again. AHH... And we're changing our seats, meaning I won't be sitting with eunce, yihui and jillian anymore. Oh I'll miss you all! Haha.. But we'll still be doing our projects together :)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Back from malaysia! It was quite nice, but I'm having an emo day today, so juz DON'T mind me.. Today's post will be cut down little cause I'm seriously very tired still...
Ok, let's begin from the first day... Woke up at 2am midnight... ARGH.. My amazing mind let's me decide what time to wake up and I'll automatically wake up exactly 1 minute before time set without an alarm.. Amazing me.. Haha. Got a ride from yihui's dad and went there sleeping on the way. Reached, queued up and went off. The bus ride to johor pass the custom and stuff was also occupied by sleeping our way thru, tho I couldn't really sleep.. Reached the airport and yay! Finally my first plane ride, and it was a great one in a sense the turbulance was really fun, haha. I'm a sadist omfg... Quite a few ppl screamed during turbulance including the person beside me, haha. Was quite shocked at the start, but dint scream and after it ended I started laughing non-stop. What a sadist, haha. It stinks in the beginning, but the rest of the ride was ok. So I guess it was an acceptable first time.
Started the tour after we reached the airport. Breakfast, lunch and dinner all rocks except those on performance days. We had either buffet or those kinda meals like during wedding dinner. But since I normally ate a super small portion, it was a little too much. Plus I had to eat veggie this time.. Ewww... The rest of the stuff were great.. Once we had abalone and sharkfin in a meal.. Haha. So cool. And during lunch and dinner always very noisy, haha. And there's also water parade... Which consist of scolding scolding and more scolding... But the vitamin rocks. Taste better than some sweets, haha. Last day water parade was freaky, but I'm not gonna talk bout it anyways...
Performance was... I can't really tell larh... I don't really know DHSCO standered is how good, and since I'm not in dazu yet I duno the songs and can't tell either, haha. First performance was spent eating up all my sweets and stuff with jieting in the super squeezy backstage. Second performance was spent reading mocking bird, talking and taking some funny stuff with sherlyn from the guanyue room which overlooks the whole stage, haha. I love the guanyue room in the second area, it was MUCH better than the first which was just a stupid corridor.
AND WE DINT HAVE TIME TO SHOP... WTF... Spoilt my mood even more...
And thanks to those ppl who wished me happy birthday! Some people which I din't excepted too. I'm touched, haha. And there's that birthday celebration for the march babies too. Ahhh. But why is it me who cut that cake! Sabooo..... And thanks for the wonderful presents! This cheered me up a little, haha. So I guess its pretty much that, I can't remember anything else now... Bye!!
PS. Who was that for..?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Goodbye singapore.. Haha.. Well, now the only thing I'm looking forward is to the plane ride and the nights with liu yi hui.. And hopefully completion of certain homeworks... And the possible shopping trip to spend all I got.
Well, this is a stressful hols and I'm probly not gonna enjoy it or have that happy bdae I so looked forward to. Haix... Jiamin and esther are gonna join css, and goodluck to them on sat! I'm probly gonna watch, so srry mm and jayce I can't go out... Maybe some other days? Miss you guys loads..
So yeah, I better go bathe then go sleep so that I'll be able to wake up tmr
morning.. Early early morning... See you in 5 days...
Friday, March 09, 2007
Going to malaysia soon. There's so much work to do! Yihui and I gonna bring our math assignment, lit book and CME assignment over to complete. Hopefully I can finish the mocking bird...
And happy early birthday to esther! Haha. Lucky her is gonna have a party! Besides the one we're gonna have tmr on the actual day. Oh lucky her. For me it's juz gonna be me and yihui in the room chionging our homework. I guess having your birthday on the march hols isn't such a pleasure anymore. Last time march hols was always free time. Haix... Now my march hols is fully packed except for sunday which is supposed to be chiong finish homework and projects day. So sad...
I just finished packing and I have this feeling I missed something out or brought too little stuff. Yihui and esther are bringing luggages, but they have more stuff to bring since they got their performance stuff. I think me and sherlyn(eunice's fren) would be the only one not performing, haha. Nvm, more time to complete homework. And no yihui, I'm not gonna let you copy mine, haha. You'll have to see my mood :)... Hopefully there's time for shopping, if not I wouldn't know what to do with the money I got... My dad also asked me to bring my phone, but its the sim card and his old samsung phone... No games, since it's a boring business phone... I don't even think it has bluetooth..
So whatever, I'll be rewearing lotsa clothes to save all the packing. I think I'm gonna sleep early today, so tired.. But gotta wake up early to complete some homework or project before I go out to visit jk and celebrate esther's bdae... Then have to sleep really early again to wake up in the middle of the night to go to school. Lucky yihui's dad could send me... Well, we already decided to try to make the best of this trip. 2 days given for math assignment and 1 day to chiong the CME... The rest of the free time could be used on mocking bird... Good luck to us..!! :)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Memorising, memorising and memorising.. studying, studying and studying.. My brain is gonna burst, and everything is one day or two... Blame me for the late start, but this is just too much. How do you expect a 24/7 slacker to study!? FLOWER.... And now we're still rushing our business plan.. And curse that financial plan... I want my sleep...
And cause of malaysia trip, projects and outings, I have totally no time to go out with jayce & mm... I've set it on friday and I'm not gonna change it. So I'm NOT gonna be free on friday and that's final. Then how to do the chinese script!? AHHH... =( Retard...
Monday, March 05, 2007
Haha :)
Just got back 1 hour ago from school. Bathe just now in the water with the flower petals, haha, it's so weird.. All the petals were like stuck in my hair lorh... Today we had the best LSP lesson ever, haha. Some people were debating and it was so hilarious! Haha. And we're debating on whether convenience food or fresh food was better... CRAP! Haha.. But it was hilarious all the same.
Yihui didn't have dazu today cause it was SYF practice today, so we were spending our time in the library studying until around 5pm before we went down to wait outside CO room.. Someone said it was 5 huh?! :( Should've stayed in the library for the aircon longer... We studied geog all the time with a little of science, the book stinks! Then we were looking at this bio book when we saw something we weren't supposed to.. omfg.. lol... Anyway, we were pacing around reading our notes and testing each other, it was so boring! Finally we decided to go in then heard a little crap stuff then they ended. Went to grandstand to have the landui meeting and fill in some stuff and some short briefing and we could leave... But omfg, I forgotten to bring my passport, I just left it on my table and walked out of the house.. Anw got to find some way to pass the passport tmr.. And during the first day and maybe last day need to wear CO tee, dun have leh, haha. Nvm lar.. Go ask...
Anw.. Today is quite a nice day, besides the boring wait for the meeting and studying and worrying about tmr's re-mock test for 2.4 run... Hope I dun puke again and hopefully I can run, my stamina sucks like shyt... Should start running on the treadmill already... Haix... I think I'll fail... And I'll fail my mock test, math, geog, science, chinese and LA... Stress larh! Ruin my mood today... Actually.. Not really larh, duno why today I'm quite happy :)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Went to THE VCH ytd... Hahaha! Nothing happened! Hopefully that stupid godamnit VCH curse is over! YES!! And the CO performance was so nice lorh! Especially chuida part, HAHA.. I like those weird instruments that make the weird elephant noises, haha. SO COOL LORH!
I like the hong lou meng, such a nice song, eunice said she almost CRIED listening to it, haha. The other song before hong lou meng also very nice, and jiang jun ling of course :).. I sat with songjia and her fren for the first half and went to sit with linda and eunice for the second half. I was so late lorh, so I was running up the escalator and practically fell down, stupid slippers... Hit my leg and now it's so sore when you touch it. And songjia was watching a certain SOMEONE throughout the performance lorh... Haha.. And she wanted to
cheer and
scream for that person also.. Haha, lucky she didn't. Hmmm.. I wonder who it could be..?? :)
Went outside to this place that leads to the backstage and saw yihui wearing her blazer.. (SORRY I didn't get you flowers.. I totally forgotten! Like I told you.. I'll make it up to you next time! Haha).. Then after that when I was reaching home already and smsing yihui, she said she's still going back to DHS to move the instrument, and it was around 10+ already! So ke lian lorh...
Anyway, gotta go do my LA essay and start studying for geog and science and chinese.. WTF I'm gonna fail... All my worst subjects added together... There's also LA test but... Someone, anyone.. How do you stupid for LA comprehension? This is so pointless... Haha, this is a stupid dead blog.