Sunday, February 25, 2007
Happy birthday to my grandma! Haha. Currently doing homework now.. But today I'm pretty happy :) Duno why...? Haha. BoA rocks! I want her new album so badly.. There's so many DVD in the album. Too bad, I don't think it has the song 'make a secret'... She's so cool, haha. Anyway, the song 'nanairo no ashita' is also real nice. So is 'winter love' and 'key of heart'. Going to go back to doing the LA already.. And study for math common test. Haha :)
Friday, February 23, 2007
I realise I'm posting lesser and lesser by the day, haha. But sch's been real busy nowadays, you can't blame me! And there's so much to do, I also just started a new book, 'DRACULA', you can probly guess what it's about. But it's like in journal format with chimology english... Speaking about chimology, had one math requiz today...
I thot requizzes were supposed to be easier! It's like super difficult I think I'm gonna fail, saying sayonara to good grades...
So yah, to explain my title... I just discovered two things to
OMGoshWTH about.. And.. I'm not gonna tell! Haha. Both super unbelievable and unexpected things that happened. Dunman life is getting more interesting, haha.
Why everyone can't make it tmr!! I want us to celebrate together... It's been SUPER long since we went out... And we thot we could let you choose your present that day... Haix... Anyway, tmr also got some malaysia trip briefing at 5pm... For awhile only.... Such a waste of time... Nvm, ask yihui meet me tmr, then can go back together.
Malaysia trip... I realised awhile ago I'm the only non-dazu member going lor... SO EXTRA... Haha.. Early know I don't go.. But then yihui will probly murder me also.. Nvm lar.. I don't want another year don't go overseas
again... And whole day take coach to some crappy malaysia area... Seriously, I know it's pathetic but I
never even taken aeroplane before lor... MISERABLE... So I'm going for the sake of... Taking a plane, accompanying yihui, go overseas, avoid another boring holiday which I'll probly just stone infront of the comp the whole week and last but not least... Celebrate my wonderful birthday overseas with
DARLING yihui.. Haha, hopefully there's a cake shop or something, then I'll ask for extra money and we'll buy a cake to celebrate, haha. This reminds me of my bro's birthday celebration on tuesday.. He blew the candles more than 10 times before it's blown out. There was 2 candles left lit and he blew, one went out and another stayed, after 1 second it lit back up. Then some other times, he blew, everything went out, about 5 seconds later it came back on.. I want those candles! Haha.
I'm gonna continue reading until 12 to send a certain message to a certain someone. Hopefully I can stay up, I'm super tired already. Well, buh-bye!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year!
So soon and it's new year already. All the red packets coming in and we get to see each other again. I didn't get much, as usual, but it's not the amount that counts right? Tho, to say the truth, it matters to me, haha. I wanna go shopping! Gotta go ask crystal bout out shopping trip already :)
On Friday was reunion dinner, also DHS holiday. Went back to WSPS in the afternoon and realised everyone was going at night, so it was only me and marinah visiting mrs teo. Shangyin was cancelled so there's a little rest time before I go to macs to meet everyone. There was actually quite alot of people going! Too bad I had to go so soon for reunion dinner.

(The blurred picture was by Kliven! I took the clearer one! Haha)
We had our reunion dinner at some weird, unhygenic and seriously stuffy place. And adding the fact that I'm a bit pissed that I had to leave early, my mood was damn LOW... There was like hair inside the food, GROSS... Lost my appetite and didn't eat anything cept the shark fin and the yu sheng. After eating, I took out my handphone and started smsing + listening music. And guess what? All the girls were doing the same. Haha. Only the guys were busy talking who knows what. Probly bout WoW or something, haha.
Now let's fast forward to CNY first day and today. Hmm.. Visited my grandma's house then came back. It was super boring! At my grandma's house I was watching TV the whole time and when I got home I was watching naruto (naruto 2 is out!!).. It was only until at night or in the evening when they started playing blackjack when everyone went out, haha. Won like $20+ with $4 bet everytime, but that was with my grandma's money, I was just helping out, haha.
Well, today was much better. Played mahjoong with my parents and bro and earned $3. Quite good for a beginner! We played the anyhow kind cause we didn't really know the advance way which all the adults play. Only my dad knew. All of em lost money cept me, haha! Lucky day! Went to grandaunt's house after that and watch the guys play some retarded PS2 game then we played blackjack again, haha. Earned like $12, my own money this time. Then came home, played again. Lost $2 this time so I ran off for awhile. Went back at night and played again, won back more! Haha. It was all thanks to our money wall we put up, haha. We stuffed all the notes and coins in one small area so it stood up, haha, then the money started coming in :)
So yeah, basically, our CNY was mainly gambling, haha. But it was also a sort of bonding, we usually don't even talk. Haha. And tmr's my bro's birthday celebration, everyone's coming over at night. It's actually on the 21st.. So to end this... Happy belated birthday to linda and siyin! And happy early birthday to my bro!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day!
Today was such a fruitful valentines day. Let's name all the wonderful things that happened today, haha.
Firstly, went out with yihui, eunice lee and jillian today after school, ate ding tai feng and took neos, haha. We also took taxi there. And we only needed to pay 4.70 for everything and jillian paid the rest. Thanks! Haha. Today we all ate 'vineger'. Translate to chinese. Haha. Eunice lee ate the most, haha, I think she's addicted to eat. We only ate vineger with the xiao long bao, but eunice ate it even WITHOUT the xiao long bao... Haha
Second, I finished my LA poetical presentation! Free at last! It was like super stressing. Cause after siyin and chenye presented, mrs kumaran started scolding the class, then suddenly she turned and ask me if I did my work then she asked 'are you pathetic?'. Ok lor, that wasn't very nice lor... I'm so pissed lor.... Guess that's one horrible thing today... But I still completed mine!
Thirdly, angels and mortals is revealed! I know who's my angel le. Haha. But I'll really have to say, my angel is really good compared to some other angels. So in total I received 3 letters, 1 mentos, 1 cadbury and 1 box of dove chocs (omg! It's hazelnut choc sticks!). I haven't ask songjia if she got anything today, she didn't get anything at all when I asked her ytd. Yihui got 1 letter and 1 timeout yesterday and I think another letter and sweets or that straw thing with her name on it. Well, my mortal didn't even reply but NVM :) I'm contented. And I still gave 2 letters and presents, haha. Gave my angel a present today too, a small bear with a card. It's so difficult to choose, there was the bear, the dog, the koala bear and the cat. All so freakingly adorable. So I asked songjia help me pick and she picked the bear. And now since I know who's my angel, well, that's kinda appropriate :) Well, this angels and mortals was the best I've ever had (my angel nv gave anything last time!) and we're also starting out Iowa one, tho it's really late already, but nevermind... Haha..
Forthly, this one is really a little lame, haha. Yihui, jillian and I bought the fake flowers and exchanged out flowers, haha. So it was like, I bought 2 and gave both each one flower, and they did the same. Haha. So we were just like buying ourselves flowers for the sake of erm.. Buying the flowers? But it's so cute, haha. It matches my bag well.
So I'm gonna end now. This valentines was real good I could say. You don't really need to spend it with a special someone. Jia hui got a bouquet of flowers (it's like super sweet!), but jia min's present was just so spastic. Guess what? It's a RED and BLACK LACEY G-STRING from TRIUMPH international... Haha, well, it's the THOUGHT that counts afterall.. Right?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Angels and Mortals
Yo man. Haha. Today on the way back from school we were going crazy lor. Started 'man-ning'. Puting 'man' behind every sentence we say. It's so stupid. Haha. Today we folded paper cranes for JK will quite late, around 5.30 before we left school. We helped with cny deco and paper cranes.. Now we got 379 more to fold and we have 1000! I heard he went in ICU.. Wish he get well soon, it's abit weird without him in Iowa. And alot of ppl actually know JK. Ppl say he's 'ADORABLE'.. Haha. GET WELL SOON!
And I just picked my mortal today. Wahhh. Shocking lor. I seriously have no idea what to say to my mortal. Played angels and mortals before but everyone's angel and mortal is always revealed before the game even begins, so it's not fun. Wonder who's my angel =) Hope I got something nice. Novia got a really pretty metal bookmark from her angel. But I already got a bookmark, haha, so I probly won't use it if I got one. The bball ppl exchange letters like everyday, then other ccas like once a week. Wonder GY will be how, the more the better, haha.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Wah seh... I feel so yuan1 wang4 today lor. I one day never go school everyone blame me. Haha. Sad lar.. So just stating things clear lor, I changed into my uniform and ready to go to school, but my dad wouldn't send me to school (I missed the bus..)... So, my parents asked me to see the doctor for my neverending coughing and new flu to get an MC for today. So yeah, that's the whole story. So you can't blame me for not going to school. It's not like I purposely ponned right? But it's nice to miss today, PE and 3 periods of math and HCL... Take it that I'm lucky.
So yeah, I went to the doc today. Got 2 packets of medicine to eat, must finish it for 2 weeks. Both for throat and nose allergy, one packet for morning and the other one for night. And the usual cough syrup. Past weeks I finish 2 whole bottle of cough syrup, haha. Nevermind, my house have ALOT of them... Did a little homework today. Some of the geog and history project.. It's super boring! All I could find about the geog are some stories only. ARGH...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Not Fair!
I wanna go xiao zhu qian chang hui! I wanna go!! It's not fair! Why does it have to clash with the play... Stupid pickle king... I wanna go!! Damn it... URGH... Today is HORRIBLE.... And there's something else I found out... AHHH...... &%&@*(@^*!@..... So pissed.... I'm
SUPER bengkui today...
Anyway... Skipped fenzu today cause of the godamn chinatown CIP... But since today we were all specially crazy so it wasn't that bad... Plus, we had a couple of 'weird' occurance. Haha. Today we were all super mad and screaming the whole day. Adding my sore throat.. Ouch... Let's just name the occurances....
1) The toilet at the church was sooo creepy... And eunice lee actually went in herself! Omgosh...
2) We were seating at the back of the cinema area when suddenly eunice lee came in (she couldn't find the toilet) and the place suddenly blacked out! Haha! Spooky!
3) This one is lame... We were at the chinatown heritage centre... There was this place which was made to look like the olden times kitchen.. Then yihui went to look, I followed behind her. Then when she stepped in, she suddenly screamed and turned around ready to run. Haha! When she screamed she scared me and I also screamed... Haha! That was so hilarious. Like people say.. Ren2 xia4 ren2 hui4 xia4 si3 ren2.... And I have a weird habit.. Whenever in any creepy area, when someone screams I'll just scream along even if I didn't see anything weird.. And the funny thing about this is, we could even get freaked out to the point of screaming in the
Chinatown Heritage Centre.. Hilarious... Hilarious...
So maybe today wasn't that bad... And it was slack day... But I'm still super beng kui about not being able to go to the qian chang hui.. SAD.. Can someone help me get an autograph and a picture please?? *-*