Sunday, December 31, 2006
Countdown 2007
Staying at
home for countdown. So sad lar! And out sec 1 outing was
FUN today! I'll post pictures later on when I'm free, haha. It's like SOOOO FUN!! But not everyone went, only me, songjia, eunice, eileen and yihui. And yihui left so early!
Anyway, first, we went to east coast park. Went to ride bike and I rode the double one with yihui, first time rider and I was infront! The rest rode the normal ones. And
FU SONG JIA crashed into us once and almost crashed into us
AGAIN another time... After the ride all our butt hurts so we stopped and went to the beach to play. Wrote lots of stuff on the sand then went to take out our shoes and socks and go near the water, haha. Had a little trouble finding a place to wash our feet but we managed.
Headed to Kbox after that. Super expensive! But went anyway. Went crazy over a few 'wu yue tian' songs and 'di yi tian' as usual. Took the video of di yi tian and we all sound like kids!! WTH!! And eileen's voice is so sweet, haha. I shall NOT post the video. :)
And half an hour later I'll be mass messaging ALOT of people to wish them a happy new year. At about 12 I'll start messaging. Lalala.. I got nothing else to say so.. Buh-bye!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Guanyue BBQ
My mum and I have settled our differences, yay! So I'll be able to continue, double yay!! But.. Today something really sad happened..
RUBY WENT TO THE DENTIST!! And she came back and she's been crying since. My mum had to carry her and her eye is red. So heartbroken now! F.Y.I. for all you people who don't know, Ruby is my dog... I'm so sad for her, it pains me to see her like that!
Ok, enough about sad stuff. Had guanyue BBQ today! Eunice lee said her EDS one was like a failure, so I was a little scared, haha. But it was ok afterall. Waited for linda and eileen after shangyin, then eunice(guanyue one..) came and waited with me and songjia. We then followed weicheng to eunos to get to jieting's hse(where the BBQ is) since we don't know how to go, met with jeenise and rachel at the bus-stop and we went together. Got there and played cards for awhile, then had to go BBQ downstairs.
MANY food got burnt. But BBQ-ing is fun, tho it's really hot. After that eileen and I went upstairs to rest awhile, then linda and songjia followed, and soon, some others came too. Eunice got left behind, haha, SORRY! Started playing stress and daidi. Then had to go down to BBQ more.
There was this time when wc made us stand in a row infront of the snrs to 'introduce' ouselves.. It was so horrible ok!? Lucky the sec 2s and 3s also had to intro and kueifu and shining was the most 'ke lian' ones. Sec 3 intro was the most fun. After that, sang happy birthday to yilin and jieren then had the GY group photo. Then something funny happened and we got a new topic to talk about.. Hehehe... After that went upstairs to sian awhile and talk, then took our sec 1 photo, maybe I'll post later. But I want the whole group photo, haha. Took yihui's dad's car back, lucky! Can't imagine going back alone so late. But still, after I got down it was at the bus-stop a few blocks away from my house. And I had to pass by this scary place behind the carpark(it's a shorter way! And there was no one!), it was between the carpark and this hill area so it was really creepy. The light from the carpark was creepy and there was footsteps sound, so I walked
super fast. Got home safe, of course, if not I won't be
writing typing here now.
Anyway, got to get back to homework! And I still have a guanyue sec 1 outing tmr! Weee! But I no more money, haha! Ruby started crying again.. Just managed to make her lie down and relax abit. It was so difficult! Since she can't understand me, I can't just say, 'quiet and go sleep'. Had to sit there with her for so long before she's willing to quiet down and relax a little. It's probly the injection she had today morning, hopefully she'll be ok by tmr.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wasted time
Let's say.. Today was horrible in a way. Went to school to sign one paper, was suppose to go for outing to get food for the BBQ tmr, BUT... We waited 2+ hours before they decided to leave. We were so tired after all the waiting we decided not to go. And songjia was so brave to actually go ask wc whether we could leave. Haha.
What did we do during that 2 hours? Talk, and talk, and talk more. There was one part when we started singing then songjia went all crazy(as usual..).. And I took this video of her doing this really funny thing, maybe I'll post it someday, haha. And songjia says she's over him already.. Hmm.. Serious? Hopefully.
Anyway, I'm still chionging my CAP, and trying to get as much help as possible, haha. As in,
how the hell you expect me to write 8 poems! Yeah.. And there's still the reflection to crap about. Hell... And math.. Stupid math... Gonna sleep early today, wake up early tmr.. Maybe 8am? K byes..
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My mum is so
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Wish
Sadly, my christmas wish didn't come true.. Santa! Is it really so difficult? Fine, I'll just ask this for my birthday wish then.. Anyway, I once had a birthday wish come true.. It's such a miracle.. So fine, I'll ask it for my birthday.
Anyway, I'm so happy today. I deleted my full inbox and immediately received 12 christmas greetings from my friends. Wondered for a moment whether it was too late to send my greetings now, but after that, decided to send them afterall. Sent to around 22 people and got replies immediately. Hopefully nxt year will be better...
I'm going to only complete a couple of homework today. Taking not that today's christmas, I'll give myself a little slack. My sneezing have ceased but I'm still feeling a little sick. Currenly eating the cookies shuling gave us.. Mmm.. It's nice.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
X'mas Countdown
I'm gonna stay awake and countdown no matter what! I'm having a flu I think. Ate med twice today already. Causes friggin' drowsiness. Hopefully I don't fall asleep. And keewei's MSN nick is so hilarious. 'toy r us=hell'. Haha, it's HEAVEN ok!
SANTA!! If I stay awake tonight will you fulfill my x'mas wish? Oh puhh-leeaaasseee!!?? I want..... Cannot say here, haha, later never come true... Anyway, I'll never say here. Haha. So, I seriously hope it'll come true lor. We'll see... By 12 tonight I'll see what happens, if not, 12 tomorrow night... Or maybe next year... Who knows when it'll happen if it's gonna come true? Patience.... Patience....
Too bad calvin deleted that spastic einstein picture of him, if not I'll post it. I'll just have to make do with the 'calvin killing his bdae cake' picture... And it was so funny when he used my msn to crap with justin. Totally HILARIOUS. The self-proclaimed 'GOD'. Lucky I'm not religious. Haha.

Oh gosh, the medicine's taking effect already. Tired, tired, tired.. Aiya, then today occupied with class blog then never do alot of work. Anyway, now the class blog so nice, today alot of post. GO SEE! And IOWANS must visit kz!?
Suona Outing
The outing was actually yesterday. But since I was too tired I didn't blog. Went to meet them right after shangyin. Songjia was going out with her friends so she didn't come. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS!! Especially at toys'r'us, it was the BEST place to go.
Watched 'night at the museum' first, then went to eat at yoshinoya at takashimaya and so the fun begins. We went to that big place selling all the toys and pink stuff with keewei and jieren complaining at the back. Hahaha. They followed us still... Went around looking at the soft toys and all the cute toys BUT, this wasn't the best part.
Headed for toys'r'us in 'I-forgot-what-its-called'... THIS was the best place. We walked around the WHOLE shop stopping at every interesting toys. Even the 'barbie doll' section. And some other super pinkish section which could make someone go blind with all the pink. We walked so long inside until when we got out, the guys made a plan to each block one entrace to prevent us from going in again. Then one walked infront and the other walked behind so we won't go to any shops we're 'not supposed' to go. Haha.
After that was cineleisure, walked around AND I FINALLY BOUGHT MY LUO ZHI XIANG CD!! Yay me!! Luo zhi xiang album WITH the video, which means, JING WU MEN!! ROX!! Went back after that. Lucky I got a seat early, if not my legs would break. After that, jieren left first, then shining, then keewei, then yilin... Leaving me and liqin taking bus back. She alighted one stop before mine and I SLOWLY walked home. Energy level was below 5%. Then I was back home..
I'm going to go watch the video again then go start on my homework. DAMN... Homework...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Training Camp over
Today's the last day of training camp. The slackest day of all. Also had Wei Lao Hui at the end. It was so funny lor. Ate then announce the tuan hua and tuan cao. It's like so unexpected lor! Then when wc and kf were describing them it was so funny. After that they made then sing duet, hold hands and walk so many rounds and drink 'jiao bei jiu'.
After that went back as usual.. We started talking about the bird family, haha. It was so hilarious. Then eunice started getting all disgusting. Haha. Anyway.... Ruby went for a haircut today! SO CUTE.. Haha... Later I go post before and after picture. Omgosh.. She looks so bald now... So much prettier with more hair.. Haha


Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I <3 X'MAS!
I so love christmas! It's one of the best times of the year, and there's x'mas shopping! There was a slight change today. Feli went to see the clothes already and she took a picture for me, so instead, I went home to change and get ready after CO. Let's start from the beggining...
CO was ok today. Practiced alot but it was great. Now I know how to play properly, haha. At first we thought no one was going to 'fen' us... Clara came and then brought the shengs away(there goes linda and eileen)... Then it was left with songjia, eunice and me practicing alone. Then in comes wc and kf and they said they're gonna 'fen' us. As usual, practiced long teng. Then they wanted us to play our kaoji song and wc made me play the harder one =.= I wanted to play jing she kuang wu but he made play the harder one instead... ARGH... I was like so nervous my fingers were shivering lor...(old habit.. nv fails to happen.. same thing during kao ji and last time in primary school playing the recorder for music exam) SAD, made me play a few times lor, so fast also... Then after that our older snrs joel and kelvin came then wc and kf left... 'Fen' us awhile then they went to see the chuida practice... Practiced ourselves until 12 then I rushed off... Reached buona vista when I got the message so I went home to change for the x'mas shopping.
Went home, changed and prepare, then went to convince my bro to go. Had to have calvin come over and
torture convince him to go before he said yes. It was super funny. Then we left and took taxi to vivo city and started shopping. Won't say what I bought, haha. Ate at BK and calvin was so tyco lor! Cause BK was full, then we were waiting, then calvin started saying... 'I countdown 10, then someone will stand up, if not we go find KFC... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.." After he said 1, immediately one women stand up. What the hell!! After that took taxi to TM to get crystal's stuff and some more of mine. Calvin stayed and vivo to meet his friend and my bro went home.
Now I'm so super sleepy so I'm not going to do homework. Maybe watch a little of dragon zakura before I sleep. Dragon zakura is such a nice show, and yamapi is so hot and so cute. Anyway, after I got the picture of the class tee-shirt maybe I'm gonna post it up. I'll post a pic I took outside vivo, featuring left to right, crystal, calvin and my bro. Haha.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
So Busy!
Today CO was much better than yesterday. Not as slack, but not as boring and all the sec 1s are together! Of course, except yihui and jiayu which are the pro-er ones... Played long teng alot of times and I know how to play zhong suo part abit already! Haha.
Tmr will be SUPER busy for me. Have CO until 12am, then I have to rush over to paya lebar to meet feli and don't know who else to see the class tee sample. Hopefully it's really quick cause then I'll have to rush off to meet crystal, shuling, calvin and my bro at who-knows-where-they're-going... So much rushing around. I seriously hope the class tee thing ends earlier, I wanna get my x'mas present! But I still don't know what to buy yet. So tmr's schedule will be...
CO training camp - 9am-12pm
(rush from buona vista to paya lebar...)
Class Tee sample - 12.30pm-2pm(hopefully..)
(rush from paya lebar to *somewhere)
X'mas shopping - 2.30pm-not sure what time
As I said, I don't know where they're going.. Hopefully my guess on the timing is right. Still, I'll have to rush alot! Going out even earlier today cause we're still late today cause of the god damn bus 92 who won't come. Pray tmr goes smoothly and I'll have my x'mas present!
Monday, December 18, 2006
X'mas Shopping
I guess the CO thing was not that terrible. It's not 6 afterall. They shouldn't put that in the form to scare people. It said 9-6. Lucky, it's only until 12.30 for us since we're not in dazu. Poor yihui has to stay till 5.30 for dazu. Now she's probly still 'lianning'...
Went there and played some stuff, long teng... I learnt, but only go thru the thing once over at shangyin, and mine was not the full thing. Then some other songs. Not as bored to death as fenzu(lucky!). This time, suona, dizi and sheng were all in the same room, it's better. And the good thing is, yihui was sitting really close so at least we had company. Talked about what x'mas prezzie to get for each other. Once, I was about to suggest buying a soft toy when suddenly yihui said 'no soft toy'... I think she's psychic... *gasp* Oh no, what if she read minds... Haha..
The seniors and sec 1 dazu members went to eat at the 'kopitiam' while the remaining non dazu sec 1s went home. Ate at long john silver with eunice and I took pictures of the
tastydeliciousmouthwateringscrumptious combo 1 that we had. Mmmm =9.... Went back home after that and laid down for awhile and now I'm here blogging cause I got nothing better to do(homework doesn't count, I still have ALOT)...
Anyway. I just received the $100 for x'mas prezzies this year. So...
Who wants to go out x'mas shopping with me!! I can't go alone... It's saddening. Then I'll still need to note down what I bought and tell my aunt. Maybe I'll go after CO one of these days. And I'll have to draw to get some of my friends some x'mas prezzie. Currently only yihui in the list since she's also buying for me X)... What to buy, what to buy, what to buy.... Hmmm..
Sunday, December 17, 2006
DHSCO torture camp
Tomorrow's the start of the DHSCO
torture training camp. Don't really know what they're gonna make us do... But making go to school at buona vista for a whole week from 9am-6pm when I live at pasir ris is already enough torture. Unless it's all fun and games, it'll be torture camp.
Didn't go out today, but still got my pair of converse shoes. Not the ones I wanted but at least I still got it. Also, 2 pairs of earrings from Perlini's Silver and a converse shoulder bag since my Puma one is spoilt, how thoughtful of them, I didn't even asked for this(at least never asked them). Mum borrowed Eragon from her friend so I'm gonna read it, but gotta wait till my bro finished it first. And I still haven't drink that 1.6 litres of water my mum forced me to drink everyday. Only a sip. Hahaha. It's hard to change a habit y'know..
Meeting eunice at pasir ris then songjia at buona vista. At least I know I won't be going alone! Gotta wake up at 7 tmr so I better go sleep already. Still, I can roughly guess how tmr will be like. Boring as hell and no matter how awake you are you'll feel like sleeping. Sad, but I don't see any fun and games. I'll update tmr night and make the final decision whether it's training or torture camp. Ta-ta.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Unlucky day
Today was horribly unlucky. Went to suona/piano without bringing my sch fees, piano book, suona scores and water... Managed to survive tho... Suona was uneventful as usual, then went to piano teacher's house for the second time, had my lesson as usual then my bro came.
Played supermario on the gamecube in the living room while I wait for my bro to finish his lesson. I can't believe I actually played
SUPERMARIO for 50 minutes... Then the last 10 minutes I went in the room to irritate him by playing the violin(and I must say, quite good for a first-timer! Tho my bro says it sucks like hell), and playing all the other percussions in a box like the triangle thingy and shakers.
Left after that to look for my parents who's at the coffee shop downstairs, and guess what?! We
almost got hit by a friggin' van! My feet almost got crushed and the side of the van even touched my bro a lil. God damn driver! Maybe I should go back to that quiz and change the "nearly hit by a car" part to '
YES'. Anyway, went to eat at 'ding tai feng' at TM with my parents and bro. They have nice fried rice. Haha.
Now I'm so uber bored. Maybe I'm going out with my parents to vivo tmr. But I'm still a lil angry whenever I think about some stuff we talked bout just now. Maybe I'm just spoilt, but what the hell. And the thing about the overseas thing just don't have any excuse. Why can't they book the tickets earlier instead of saying 'no ticket' when you chose to book so late? I asked them that and they avoid that question, saying 'you think so easy to book?'. Just go to the damn travelling agency! Like we've never gone overseas before..
I won't rant anymore. I'll see how, if I really go out tmr I'm gonna bombard their wallets. That's for sure!! Shoes is confirmed, bags? Maybe. Other stuff? Who knows?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Been playing Aveyond these days... I happen to find a way to download the untrail version of aveyond, haha. It's so cool, and it's exactly the same as the original(I guess, it should be).... I'm almost finishing the game and not doing my homework... HAIX...
Currently playing with the MSN dp stealer.. Scanning thru pictures and stealing them.. Wahahaha. I've found so many cool pictures and emoticons... Some pictures of my friends =O... My cousin... And unknown people... LOL... And I've seen AARON'S picture appear a couple of times!! More than the number of goong pictures! WOO! =) And I've seen one pic of my grandma! How did it get there! Anyway, I plan to start on my homework, and I'm SERIOUS this time... Don't have much time left..
And I finally gave in and downloaded messenger plus since I'm quite sure if there were any viruses or anything It'll be blocked out. Finally I can see the colour nicks and now all stupid html crap.. Wee?! Anyway, there's nicer text colour now =) Nice purple and orange. I'll probly still stick to pink tho it's a kinda gay colour, haha, since all my '!!' and '??' emoticons are in pink..
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Small quiz
1. Starting Time: 12:02am
2. Full Name: Chong Yi Jing
3.Best Friend(s): Hmm.. I guess it's mm and jayce...
4.Sexiest Friend: No idea
5. Funniest Friend(s): LIU YI HUI!!
6. Smartest friends: Is brenda counted??
7. Dumbest Person: *AHEM*
8. Shyest Friend: Nope.. Dunno...
9. Most boring person: No one's really boring to me...
10. Who Do you get advice from: Myself?
11. Height : 155cm! And proud of it! (ok, so I do wanna grow taller)
12. D(ate)O(f)B(irth): 14 March 93, and I expect something!
13. Righty / Lefty : Righty
15. Shoe Size : 7 I guess...
16.Shoe Brand: Nike, converse, adidas, fila ect. ect.
17. Do you Crack any Body Parts: My arm.. Ouch...
19. Sibling(s): A brother that doesn't communicate
20. Email Address:
mystic_ocean124@hotmail.com21. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: Single, and staying that way!
22. Crush: Hmmmm....
23. Liked a Teacher: Never in my whole entire life I will...
25. Hope the person you send this to would reply: HAHA, NO CHANCE..
26. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: many, many tubs =)
27. Ran Into a Glass Door : Even a 3 year old wouldn't do that...
29. Gone Skinny Dipping: NEVER WILL...
30. Nearly hit by a car: Nope...
31. Ran into a speeding car: I'd like to try XD
Girls Fill Out About Guys35. Boxers or Briefs: Don't give a damn
36. Tall or Short : Taller than me =P
37. Does size matter: Still don't give a damn...
38. Six-pack or Muscular Arms: Six-pack XD
39. Body or Personality: Can I have both? Haha, naaahh, personality
40. Ear Pierced or Not : Yeah sure
41. Sporty or Outdoorsy: Doesn't matter
42. Good or Bad guy: Not too good and not too bad
Guys Fill Out on girls47. G or hipster undies: bleah...
48. Tall or Short : bleah...
49. Long Hair or Short : bleah...
50.Dark or Light Eyes: bleah...
51. Light/Dark Hair: bleah...
52. Body or Personality: bleah...
53. Ears Pierced or Not: bleah...
55. Good Girl/Bad Girl: bleah...
56.Hair Up or Down : bleah...
57. Sporty or Classy: bleah...
58. Chicken or Not Afraid : bleah...
Which One is Better59. Coke or pepsi: I think they taste the same, haha
60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: Depends...
61. Cats or Dogs : BOTH! I WANT BOTH!
62. Coffee or Tea : definately coffee X)
63. Eastside or westside: (???)
64. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla chocolate?
65. Cake or Cookies: cooookiieesssss!
66. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: purple striped lime socks XD
67. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset..
68. Day or Night: Night, DUH...
69. Lights on or off : Can I choose the middle option? Dimly lit, haha.
70. Summer or Winter: Winter, tho I've never seen one before
YOUR FAV...71. Food: Does chocolate or ice-cream count?
73. Holiday destination: Anywhere but malaysia AGAIN....
74. Radio Station: Hardly listen...
75. Place: Dreamland
In The Future76. Will you believe in God: Who knows, I can't see the future
77. What you want to be when you grow up: Something that earns big money
78. Define Love: Sweet?
80. Favourite Place: If you give me a time portal I'll go in the future and ask myself that
81. Favourite day(s) of the week: DITTO to last question..
83. Who Is Least Likely To Send This Back: I'm not sending this crap, haha
84. Satan or God or atheist: Give me a dictionary and I'll check for the word ATHEIST
85. Do you love someone right now: Yup
86. Do you care about someone: Sure
87. Do you think of someone everyday: Of course!
89. Do you think someone is special in any way: I guess so =)
90. Finishing time: 12:25am
91. Date: 12 December 2006
WONDERFUL... I actually took 23 minutes to finish this thing off, haha. Dug it out from somewhere in my e-mail and since and so bored I'll post. Got nothing much to post about. Went fenzu, SIANED myself there again. And, Aveyond is a nice game. Too bad I couldn't find the full version not trial download. Wouldn't spend my money on such things. BYE =)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
New Class Tee!
Almost finish watching Tsubasa Chronicles season 2. Now have to wait for season 3 to come out. Just downloaded the new Internet Explorer and woah it's so nice! Now I can open lots and lots of windows, haha, my font looks nicer too.
Went out to order our new 2Iowa'07 class tee today. I thought I was going to be late at the end everyone else was late but me, haha. Then went to macs near the paya lebar MRT station to eat lunch then waited for esther and daniel to come. Called almost everyone to confirm their sizes then don't know why they started playing with they handphones, haha.
Finally left after awhile and headed for the factory. Took so long to decide the colour since they don't have the yellow-orange we're looking for. Got yellow instead. Hope it'll look nice. After that headed for the bubble tea area to sit and discuss how to collect the money and eugene thought of a really good way, haha. Poor esther tho...
Anyway, we decided to meet up on next Weds to collect the money. Total of $764 we're suppose to get. Currently only have $66 and $50 went to the deposit. EVERYONE PAY UP PLEASE! Gonna go to Iowa blog to post notice, haha, sayonara!
Monday, December 04, 2006
CO slack day
Was just discussing our new class tee stuff with feli, esther and daniel. Ms ngau also, but awhile only. New class tee for 2Iowa'07. Then in the middle of the convo we kept crapping so much. Then daniel used such horrible chinese and scared Ms ngau away, hehehe. Jkin!
After feli had to go and esther was computerising the design, daniel and I crapped bout the new AR room in RJC... It's really the 'Armoury', just opposite CO room! But, too bad they're not going to practice in the school. Cheer up ok? Haha, some of you will know what I'm talking about. Then after crapping a little more daniel left and now it's just me and esther. Esther's still doing the design, it's going to be O.G.W... Orange, GREY and white. NOT GREEN... Haha, ok, inside joke... I got infected by daniel and began crapping like hell, oh noes...
ANYWAY... Today CO fenzu and zhaoji... We went so early for nothing! ZZ zhaoji was moved back till after fenzu so we waited half and hour before TZ zhaoji... Then went to our rooms, it's in the squash court, haha. Dizis in a room, suona and shengs in the other, side by side. We were sianning alot, almost every single second of our time. Ding lao shi was fixing the shengs, so we had nothing to do. Only before that, songjia and I were seperated to gao suo and zhong suo. I got in gao suo, hahahaha!! Don't need to trouble myself and work super hard over another instrument, but zhong suo seems interesting too. Played a little of a new song, it's a dazu song. That's roughly all we did today.
Then after that, had ZZ zhaoji at the stadium like seating place(keep forgetting what it's called). It's a crap zhaoji, haha, not really the super serious ones like some other times. Good, haha. The xian yue people kept walking past and it was so funny, haha. Then after that WC made us run around the field once before we can go =( We walked the whole thing, haha, except at the end I just ran since I'm the only suona left walking, hahaha. Can't blame me, I'm coughing and I only ate a freaking small cake in the morning, nothing else, and hardly any water either! I know my body's half dehydrated. After that left with the sec 1s and sec 2s, some of us only. Walked back then took MRT. Gossiped on the train, hahaha. Guanyue got so many rumours one. Just realise liqin lived so close to my house, haha. We were the only 2 left when we reached pasir ris then took bus together(a very very very squeezy bus 17) and she alighted one stop before me, the one opposite WSPS! Haha.
Enough bout CO, haha, I realise I used 'haha' alot, but nvm... Esther managed to do the Iowa logo and it was so cool, but also have to thank me for providing the picture, haha.. I'll post the logo later, and I'm thinking off adding one 2Iowa'07 on top of the pic, haha. Sounds so nice. I think she's gonna finish already. I just wanna add some super fanatic rant...
FYE D. FLOWRIGHT is just so
SUPER adorable. And he's so smart and so cool and he likes calling Kurogane all sorts of nicknames like 'Kuro-wanwan', 'Kuro-puu', 'Kuro-chan', HAHA. And he loves ganging up with Mokona to bully Kuro-puu! Fye is just soooo cool. My new anime idol, haha. Let's least out all my favourite characters, haha.
Fye D. Flowright(Tsubasa Chronicles), Dark and Krad(DNangel), Itachi and Sasuke(Naruto), Kyou and Yuki(Fruits Basket) and other non-anime but fictional like... Riku and Zexion(Kingdom Hearts), Kadaj and Vincent Valentine(Final Fantasy). And there's probly more but I can't think of them right now, haha. Ok, I'm seriously going crazy. Buh Bye...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Homework STRESS!
Like I said in my tag, I'll do ANYTHING to stop myself from doing my homework. A part of me wants to hurry complete it all but the other part wants to just shut down and go to sleep. I even resorted to playing with the electronic dictionary, playing blackjack, solitaire, bingo, pacman and using the pen to scribble on the screen to see what chinese word appears. SADDENING.
I've started on my CAP and jian bao. 150 more words for gan xiang and I finished my jian bao. Didn't manage 2 jian baos today tho, couldn't find a nice article and I could say, sucks like hell. Couldn't open this page and that and all the news article there sucks. Either I don't understand a shyt or there's nothing to write about it. Even the one I chose suck... What could you write about a little boy drowning? Feel so sad for him arh, blah blah blah... Bullshit... And they expect me to write a 350 words gan xiang about a news article about a little boy drowning? My brain cells are dieing by the second! And the CAP thing. How the hell you write a reflection on the Flowers for Algernon response!? I read the book, I write bout the theme, what the hell can you reflect on? NONSENSE....
Let's change a topic. Having fenzu on monday at mt. sinai campus. Good thing they inform us earlier this time. Have to go all the way to buona vista, alone... Sad lar... Nvm, ask yihui if she going, if yes, ask if can tompang me there also, haha. Tmr then sms her bah.. Pasir Ris all the way to Buona Vista, I also need a 15 min bus journey not including waiting time to reach Pasir Ris MRT station... Anyway, it's 1.30 to 6... Means I'll reach home at like... 7+ I guess, cause it's peak period... Oh noes... Then it'll be so crowded... *SIGH*....
Friday, December 01, 2006
Kao Ji!
Had our Kao Ji today. Screwed up quite alot! So nervous and so scared. I was shivering inside and it was so hard to breathe... Lots of us screwed, so we made up a depression gang, haha. Hui Jing is so pro, so we all denied her from joining.

Our waiting room with all our belongings

Hmm.. What are you all looking at?

Our 'illegal gathering'
After quite a long time we left and decided to go out. Somerset was our destination. The shengs decided not to join since they didn't want to carry their shengs around. So it was just the sec 1s suonas and dizis. Reached our stop, but I forgotten the way(cause I took bus there and only went back from there to the MRT station, didn't know which direction tho I remember the surroundings, SORRY EVERYONE!)
After quite a long walk, we reached heeren(thanks to a little help from a helpful person). Didn't want to eat first cause it was still 12+. Walked around heeren, got so tempted to buy stuff again. After that went to cineleisure nxt door to get something to eat. Hui Jing left then, leaving with 2 suonas and 2 dizis. Ate KFC, then we decided to go crazy at Kbox instead of walking around to get tempted by all the amazing stuff. It was quite cheap, less than 10 for each person.

Went crazy singing 'di yi tian' jumping up and down, too bad yihui left already when we started singing that. Went mad over qian li zhi wai also. Some of jolin, tao zhe(tao ji ji), lin jun jie, jay chou, cyndi blah blah blah... I prefer these songs, haha. We sec 1s have a more similar taste compared to our snrs. We stayed there from 1 plus until 7, haha, yihui left at around 4+. We got crazier after yihui left, got warmed up already. When we were going back it was already dark, so fun, haha. We should really do this more often. But our voices were all crap after all the singing. Song jia was super high and super spastic, she didn't need to mic and she's louder than me and eunice with the mic! So, eunice and I took hold of the mic most of the time, since song jia will surely cover our voices if she used it, haha.

All these pictures were taken during the not so high times, as you can see, yihui was still there, and it was awhile after she left before we totally lost our minds. And the drinks were a rip off, haha.