Thursday, November 30, 2006
*cough* *cough*
I'm not getting any better >.< I went thru all the kao ji songs once and got them memorised, but whenever I stop awhile and try to play again I'll surely forgot a small note or something. Oh noes.. *cough* *cough*
Damn the stupid cough. Kept me up last night till who knows what time. *cough*. Why this time! Why now of all the time in the world, why now!? *cough* I can't even type in peace. I'll probly be resting for doing homework today or going thru the songs again. Nothing much to blog about except complain about that stupid cough of mine. Curses....
*cough* Still.. Failure is not an option. Can't fail. Ahh my throat hurts. It's been 4 days since the coughing started, it just gets worse. Drank water, kept away from my
sweetdelicioustastymouthwateringheavenly box of merci in the fridge. *cough* My merci!! And my dad just bought a large bottle of green tea and it's in the fridge and I'm not suppose to drink it! Talking about the chocolate and the green tea makes me just wanna go to the fridge and take em out to eat and drink. *cough*
As long as I keep my mouth shut I won't cough that much, this I found out. What the hell, I don't give a damn anymore. *cough* (runs off to the fridge)... A small bar won't hurt =p *cough*
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

*HUGS* My darlings =)

Besties forever! Wasn't really prepared. Had to set my phone up, it was such a rush. Then realised my eyes were closed but couldn't get anything better.

Jayce being all spastic as usual =)
JYM roxors!
Went out with jayce and mm today! SOOOO HAPPY! We were out of money the whole time cause I had to draw money but we couldn't find the ATM(until in the end). We took neos then we watched 'Open Season' and we shopped of course.
Bought a shirt from 77th street and signed up for membership. The shirt was cool, changed it after we watched movie. Ate long john's at first, then went to walk(bought the ticket before all of that), then we shopped, then we went to watch movie... And before all that, we took neos! I lurve my darling jayce and mm, they're the bestest of the best! hehe. I'll ask mm to scan me the neos then I'll post it up, she's away now(awwww..)
Anyway, I had to leave early cause I was going back to shangyin with songjia to practice abit. At first I thought we could practice the songs ourselves but didn't expect everyone to be there! We went in a room with ding lao shi and all our snrs(or most of em)... Heard them play most of the time. Played with songjia all three of our kao ji songs then we each solo 'jiang jun ling' once. It was so scary, especially with everyone looking at you. After that we just left. It was less than an hour! Walking back to mrt passed by WC and he asked 'you all so early arh?' or something lidat.. SEE?? It's really so fast lor. I'm like so not ready, haven't even memorised all. Abit of 'jiang jun ling' and 'su wu mu yang' and luckily, the whole of 'jing she kuang wu'.
Anyway, got home already. Realise I cough more when I talk. So, I still can blow, but will cough after that. Then I will shut my mouth until the whole kaoji is over so I don't cough(except for blowing lar)... The end... Bye...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Cough Cough...
What the hell I'm coughing non-stop. Too much chocolate... Too little water... Didn't go to shangyin today cause of that, sometimes the flem got stuck in my throat until I couldn't talk properly, crap. Should be going for a small practice with songjia tmr for awhile. Last practice before kaoji. Just hope I can blow.
Going out with mm and jayce tmr! Yay! Going to watch a movie and take neos and shop. Wouldn't need to talk much so my cough wouldn't really affect it, good! It's been like super long since I went out with them, MISS THEM SO MUCH!! Coming my house in the morning before we go off to TM to take neos and eat, then head to vivo city to shop and watch movie. Heading to shangyin at 5 to meet songjia there and practice. Will blog about it tmr.
Read finish the whole flowers for algernon. It's a nice book. So interesting. It's so unlucky charlie had to become a retard again in the end, his friends at the bakery accept him but he still goes to that warrens home place. It's quite sad. How those people treat him when he was a retard, it's so horrible. It's not that sick, I've read even worse books, sicker ones, haha, with more detailed description and all. One example is that book yihui brought last time. Will probly go through the summary on one site then start doing the work. Still lazy to complete my other work and math is still a blur, haha. Hopefully someone will tell me in detail which assignment to download from asknlearn. I know I'm super BLUR....
I'm gonna read more of the chinese book to try to find stuff I missed out and complete the last few remaining pages of the book. Still got jian bao remaining. Damn hell holiday. Bloody CAP assignments... Bloody jian baos and cheng yu... Bloody math assignments...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Starting on homework?
I'm thinking of starting on my homework. I started reading 'flowers for algernon' already, borrowed from library. I'm so bored I actually went to friendster to write testimonials.. It's ridiculous.
Butterfly effects and Butterfly effects 2 is
SUPER nice. Only thing is that they have those R21 stuff on butterfly effects 2, haha. Shyt stuff, and 2 times also. It's been so long since I went to the movies, really really desperate to get out of the house now. Only movies I've been watching are DVDs...
Anyway, kao ji is coming, and I'm so scared. It's this friday morning and I haven't memorised it yet! Omgwtf I'm dead... Song jia probly memorised everything already. I just slack too much and am so lazy to practice, I can't even blow it and it's boring just practicing fingering, it's even harder to rmb like that. That's so sad. Probly the bad thing about suona...
OH SHYT... I suddenly got a cut on my finger. Damn, it's bleeding. Ow, ow, ow... I'll stop typing now, or the cut will get bigger... Omg I can't bend my finger...
Saturday, November 25, 2006
I'm so bored now. My hair's wet and I can't sleep and I can't risk using the hairdryer anymore. So I decided to take some stupid pictures and post it here. I got nothing better to do. So welcome to the tour of my room! Ok, more like my room and some random pictures.
(The dead bird I found at Mt. Sinai Campus when going to move stuff, it's a pretty bird, too bad it's dead.)

(my wonderful green tea which I can't live without with my laptop as background, haha, my vincent valentine FF7 wallpaper, too bad you can't see his face)

(Yay! Magnolia Lo-Fat Hi-Cal Fresh Milk! Actually.. I just like the low fat part, and milk, cause I heard milk helps you grow taller, and I'm short)

(My amazing piggie sitting on my TV. DOWN PIGGIE! Oh no, my TV can't hold the weight! ps. the pink pig on the right was a prezzie from siyin for my bdae! THNKS! I just coincidently had the pink pig there, it was always there from the time I got it.)

(Last but not least! My wonderful stack of Magazines, with my from-long-long-ago christmas hat and an umbrella. And my wonderful collection of neoprints! Can't really see how much, but trust me, more than $200 worth. And lastly, my large stack oo 8 library books! And you can telll how untidy I am... Or wait till tmr I post a photo of my wonderfully 'clean' table. Just tidied it today morning so it's only half messed up. Wait one more day, total mess again!)
Anyway, I finished crapping and finished my green tea and cup of milk in that magnolia cup when the milk inside is not magnolia brand.. I officially announce green tea is the best drink ever invented(besides strawberry milk tea with pearls, of course, and vanilla ice blended, and starbucks coffee). Ok fine.. Green tea is the CHEAPEST best drink ever invented. A can of green tea cost left than a dollar! A bottle cost a dollar. SMT w/ pearls is 20 cents more ex and ok fine, vanilla ice blended is 1 dollar, but you don't need me to tell you the price of a starbucks coffee right? So, bye! Again...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Moving AGAIN?! and GY outing
Went to school to move stuff AGAIN! It was so freaking tiring. And I felt so sick during the bus journey I wanted to puke soooo bad. Fought hard for 1 whole hour on the bus trying not to vomit. I think it was the milo, drank 1 full cup in 1 mouth and rushed out of the house, was so bloated. Maybe that's why, I usually have NO motion sickness or whatever.
Anyway, we moved some old and damaged instruments to the bin today, FROM THE THIRD FLOOR... I was sweating like mad and totally feeling sick from climbing up and down carrying super heavy stuff. Anyway, I saw siyin, eunice lee, karis and bear today, haha, so long nv see them le. Then thank god it started to rain, went to get a drink and then went back to LT to rest. No one could find the bin and we were not suppose to drink in the LT. So, we found a spot where we saw other milo cans and placed it together. Where? At the girls toilet window. Amazing idea tho, haha. After that moved the remaining stuff after the rain stopped and went back, had a long time debating whether to go or not for the outing and at the end only me, eunice(frm GY) and linda(we had a hard time to get her to go, haha).
Anyway, we took the bus to Katong Mall, went to eat. We ate at the outside cause the chicken rice was cheaper. Eunice(you know which one) got scolded for trying to bring drinks outside and WC for trying to bring his chicken rice inside. So troublesome! After that we went bowling. Eunice was soooo good for a begginer, she got a spare before me! But after that I got 2 or 3 spares(anw I got 88, lucky number!), WOOTS! Lemme post a pic of our score, but the last number was cut off, too bad. The other lane was pro lor. Didn't get their score tho, someone got 115!

After that we headed for to someplace like kbox but cheaper and smaller, haha. But doesn't really matter. Some songs I really don't know or forgotten or can't reach! Damn.. Then it was so funny when WC and KF sang the jay chou qian li zhi wai, it was so gay ok?! They were like reaching until so high, then sing normal jay chou part then suddenly go until so high, OMGWTF!? And after that they sang the 'dui mian de nv hai kan guo lai', with a little actions, sooo hilarious, haha. Just that, we don't really fool around so much going to kbox, haha. It was still kinda weird to go out with seniors cause we don't really know them and we don't really have anything to talk about, so I was really quiet, too bad yihui never come, or else I'll go crazy with her. Ahhh, too bad..
Anyway, we plan to go to vivo city someday, the sec 1s GY. Go shop and play and just have fun. Sadly, yihui apparantly has a super busy schedule, but I'll be sure to go, WITH or WITHOUT yihui!! Ok, I'm really going abit hyper now, cause I just woke up from a short sleep and have loads of energy, ok, not really loads. So, because of the kbox(or whatever-you-call-it-place), I became addicted to the 'liang shan bo yu zhu li ye' song AGAIN.... And finally I'm not lazy enough to not change the song, so, here we go =)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Last minute AGAIN?!
Just got message from eunice on msn saying tmr need to go back to help move stuff AGAIN! Went to check my phone and yeah, got the message. So sad lar, always tell us last minute. Again, I haven't bathe yet so I'll probly sleep very late again today. And they say they're having GY outing after that.
Anyway, today finished the final fantasy VIII game. Got all the guardian forces and I owned the ugly sorceress ultimecia! WAHAHA! Anyway, I wanna play Kingdom Hearts now. Riku is so cute, and so is Zexion, and Axel, and Demyx, and Marluxia... I shall post a pic of the UBER CHIBI Zexion I found on deviantart. Isn't he just ADORABLE... *swoon*...... And the blondie on the right is Demyx. He's so cute in the pic too, but Zexion is still the best. And afterall, these are just the chibi version drawn by someone on deviantart. The real them is not so cute, but so cool and so hot. Hahaha. Im going crazy over some video game characters. Just go youtube or wiki to search, KINGDOM HEARTS... I'll post pics of Axel, Marluxia and Riku some other time. Gotta go bathe and sleep then can wake up tmr.. BYE!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Happy Birthday Aaron!!
Ahh, I'm late by a day.. So sorry! Wish him all the best and fahrenheit continue to rock on!
Ok, back to reality. SO TIRED... Last time it was 10 plus when I got a call that I had to go back to school the next day for packing. I thought I forgotten 'bout it then I went to check the paper. It was a white box and said sec 2 and 3, meaning, no chance sec 1s are suppose to go.. Damn..
Anyway, I had no choice so I just went. But guess what? it was 10 plus at night and I haven't bathe. so I took my stuff and headed for the toilet but then my bro's in there shitting and bathing(and he shits long). So... I waited for my turn until around 11 plus, went in, bathe, went out. It was reaching twelve midnight. Had to wait for my hair to dry and I'm so NOT using the hair drying again, my hair's damaged enough. So, I waited and waited until around 1.15-1.30 or so before I gave up and just went to bed. AND... Since I live at pasir ris, and my house is not near the MRT station, and I had to go to buona vista, I needed a 1 hour or so trip... Woke up at 6, took the bus at 7. What's worse is that, I didn't fall asleep right after I went to bed. I listened to the jay chou CD repeat like 2 rounds before I finally offed it and slept. Damn me...
And guess what we did today? We met with the others and went to the new campus, and...
move stuff...(around 10+ already if I'm not wrong)
and the cycle repeats for about 1 or 2 more times. Haix.. I moved like so little things since there's so little things to carry. Stood there waited for something to move but whenever something came out of the truck someone snatched it. It looks like I wanted to slack. Hell... It was so boring waiting, and we couldn't leave.
Anyway, a couple of interesting things happened today. I saw a dead bird, it was not those normal black ones. Disgusting. And wow, it's been years since I stepped in the hawker centre! The table was so dirty and no one came to clean, had to remove all the bowls and stuff ourselves, except, no one dared to touch the chicken bones on the table, we just left it there, EWWW...
Ok, wadever... So bored now, I'll just leave and stone to death, bye.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Family Chalet
Having my 4th chalet this year. Weee?! Now with Crystal at Macs using Shuling's laptop. Shuling went to find her friends and Calvin and Weikai went back. So BORING... Just went friendster browsing with crystal, lol. Now we don't know what to do for the rest of the night. It's 12am and there's 10 more hours before check out time...
We practically did nothing during the chalet but slack, eat loads and loads of junk food, swim(with the pool all to ourselves), play daidi and cheat with clement, weikai and my bro(they cheated and did loads and loads of nonsense!!), go arcade! We played the bball thingy till ours hands were sore and it was kinda fun, haha. 'Cept for the hands sore and sweating, it was fun. Now Crystal and I don't know what to do then we started thinking about yesterday night when we tried to trap calvin under the blanket. Was a TOTAL failure but nevermind...
I feel like living in someplace like the Aranda suite. SO nice with aircon everywhere and a pool for my own. Also, a gym and a squash court and jacuzzi(sp?). Dream land. I'm on cloud nine. That's why I wanna become a friggin' millionaire and buy it all for myself! Mwahaha. Told you I'm on cloud nine... That's like so impossible. And I want a lamborghini for myself or any cool and sleak sports car. LOL... Ok... Enough crapping already, gotta go. Will blog more about the chalet when I get home tmr. Toodles!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Blogthings Quizzies
I've been having a few movie marathons and it's so nice to just sit on my bed and watch the shows, no need to think about any unneccassary stuff. Now I've finished all the shows I got seriously NOTHING to do... Now doing stupid quizzes from blogthings. Haha.
How Sinful Are You?Greed: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Envy: 20%
Lust: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Pride: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chances you'll go to hell: 17%
You'll die in a castle, surrounded by servants.
Wahahahah! I love the last part. I'm gonna be rich! A castle with servants, I rock sia. Another one...
What Flavour Frappuccino Are You?Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino
Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker!
Though I don't understand what a 'coffee tweaker' means.. It doesn't matter.. NEXT..
How Obsessive Are You?You're 44% Obsessive
You're somewhat obsessive, especially when it comes to a couple things (like horrifying thoughts or cleanliness). As long as your quirks aren't interrupting your life, it's all good.
What Personality Disorder Are You?You may be a bit dependant
You're more than a little preoccupied with being abandoned. You need a lot of support in your life, at all times. It's difficult for you to survive on your own... And you don't reallly think you ever could.
Are You Depressed?Your Depression Level: 72%
You seem to have moderate depression. Your symptoms are bad enough that they're effecting your everyday life. You would benefit greatly from professional help.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?Your Birthdate: March 14
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
Are You Right Brained or Left Brained in Love?You are right brained in love
Bit of a drama queen
Peacemaker, first to end a fight
Good at thinking up creative dates
Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily
Going with your gut instead of your head
Emphathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault
Good at recognizing patterns in relationships
Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count
Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love
Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow
Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind
Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart
Lol weird. I definately have no superstar charisma and I'm wow, I'm depressed. And I didn't know there was a right brained and left brained thingy. But they're all kinda true in a way.
Are You Psychic?You are 40% Psychic
You are barely psychic. Sure, you sometimes predict things... But is it a matter of luck? Or something more? Pay closer attention to your first intuitions. You may be more psychic than you know!
Were You Naughty Or Nice This Year?You were nice this year!
You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list. You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year. Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good.Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight?
Hahahaha! I'm an 'uber-perfect person'! Anyway I'll stop here. Go browse a few more quizzes then go visit quizilla. Byes!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Iowa Chalet
The iowa chalet was pretty fun lar, but I didn't went out with the others on the second day cause I was seriously sleepy already and my legs hurt from the skating that day and ice-skating 2 days ago...
We met at macs first at TM, then went bowling at safra tampines. Fun, but I sucked like hell lor. Then we played the soccer thingy, the 50 cents one, we lost like hell! Then went to downtown east to eat while some went to novia's house to collect the chicken wing. Then after went to the costa sands pasir ris chalet and waited for ms ngau to come check in for us.
After that we went skating and some of them, cycling. We were helping the others kinda like learn how to skate properly, but before chionged after daniel who was cycling and eunice and novia who were skating, leslie was behind cycling, haha. Then after that went back to the chalet and slacked then started the BBQ. At first helped to start the fire then helped with the buttering of the stuff. My nose got soooo irritated from the
SUPER HIGH PSI so I stoped and sat outside listening to eunice's amplifyer. Then eunice also came to slack then some others also. Got play cards awhile, went in watch superstar(SOOO FUNNY)..
Then we had some neighbours who thought we were their suppliers or something, haha. Borrowed the amplifyer, batteries, tissue paper, hot water, sony ericsson charger.. But they were really friendly lar. After that me and eunice went outside to slack with 2 chairs and started talking cause inside was really stuffy. Then the neighbours just came with their chairs and sat with us. We were like asking, "What you doing here?". Then they just say, "Talk lar!".. Sat there talking for hours lor, haha. Yenchen got come out awhile also, but after awhile she went back in already. Then went to macs at about 4+ to buy ice cream and apple pie with eunice, jovina, grace, yenchen, leslie and 2 of the guys next door. Eunice got too agitated talking to leslie she hit her ice cream and it flew and dropped upside down on the floor, hahaha, hilarious moment.
Morning went to try to catch the sunrise but like usual, NO SUNRISE... Went before so many times to try during my 6B chalets.. The rest still wanted to go to the playground which was at the other end of the park! Me, eunice, daniel, leslie and zixuan went back cause we were sooo lazy. Tried to rest awhile on the stairs but my butt hurts after awhile, OUCH!! After that skated home(forgot to bring my slippers back!!), I actually skated back faster then if I took the bus! WOOTS...
Anyway.. Now very tired liao lar.. Wanna go sleep again, haha. Buh-bye!