Friday, May 26, 2006
long long ago...
Its been so long since I last blogged... Haha... So sianed... Today received report book, quite happy with results, but my percentage sucks like hell... No Cs or Ds!! Woots, miracle. So Here's my result...
Language Arts: A
Higher Chinese: B
General Science: A
Geography: A
History: B
Mathematics: A
Basic Conversational Malay: A
Life Skills: A
And yah... Im shocked with my malay, haha, I actually get A instead of failing, Im a genius. Fine, maybe not that genius =) My GPA is 3.33 but percentage sucks like hell - 70.79... So, thats one thing Im really really not happy about. Guess I have to cut down on slack next semester.
Im looking for the piano score for 左边 by 杨丞琳. If anyone have it please lend me. So now I practically have lots of things to talk about... Lets start from the beginning...
Year 1 Level CampI cant really remember much about it anymore... Got wonderful sleep during last 2 nights, terrible on the first night. Sleeping was like sleeping in the oven. It was really tiring!
But the good thing is cause of my register number I get to go to the hostel toilet... With good shower =) You can adjust the temperature and its not those press one with you need to hold on so the water will keep running, you just push it left or right and the water keeps flowing =)
The fusion night performance from 1B really rocks lar, so jealous =) Then ours was only ok standered, and during the practice part siyin worked very hard lor, stress!! The food and drinks also sucked so I think I ate very little during the camp... Some of my lunch or dinner was thrown away with more than half left... Supper I dont eat and breakfast too... But I did eat breakfast. Thank goodness the canteen was open...
I love the friendship dance, too bad we didnt get to do it, it rocks like hell! Thought kinda childish, haha =) Overall it was kinda fun. But I am not looking forward or sec 2 or 3 camp... Leeches, ahhh, so many people got bitten.... Ouch....
WSPS Guzheng Performance at EsplanadeThis was FUN!! Bernice rocks lor, haha. She play so well and soooo cute =) Nowonder she leader lor, plus leader is P5 and not P6! Seriously, not that I bias or what, but P5s play much better than P6...(most prob cause they used to practice with us and we teach them very good.. Jk)

And we also made another new friend, haha, P6 one... Glen... Dam cute lor, haha. So guai also. They all look so small! We werent like that when we were P5 and 6! Esplanade was cool, everything was so ex, ate $5.80 laksa at the library cafe... So heartbroken to part with my money, haha. I post one more picture with me, marinah, vien, bernice and glen then I log off le, so tired.... Tata =)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Camp was fun, better than I expected it to be... Wont talk much about it now... Too angry over the fact that THE DA VINCI CODE is rated NC 16 which means I WONT be able to go watch it during release day IN the theature... ARGH!!
THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!! I AM soooooo looking forward to this and it gotta be rated NC 16!! Damn the person that set this stupid rule... Whats wrong with Da Vinci?! It has nothing wrong with it!! And whats the problem with rating movies NC 16? People get the DVDs afterwards! Only they have to wait LONGER.... Which I DONT want to... Cuz Ive waited LONG enough... Been waiting ever since I read the damn book and now I find out its friggin' NC 16?!!!
God dammit I am so friggin mad, my parents wanted to book the tickets and at the end this STUPID reminder that saying what they will check this that... IF NOT my parents will book the tickets and we'll be watching IN THE CINEMA.... God Im damn pissed now.... ARGHHH!!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Gosh, Im really sick now, at the time when Im NOT supposed to... I should fall sick on school days, not on weekends! And the level camp is like 2 days later! Oh my god, and not that Im much enthu over the level camp, but I definately dont wanna miss out on it, 1st camping!
So I've caught the damn flu bug with a slight temperature of 37.5 and sneezing like hell... What could get worse? Anyway I got a new billabong bag for the camp, it's plain but nice. Dont know how much it cost, parents just bought it... Hmmm, I wonder how much it cost... Anyway it doesn't really matter. Im gonna go sleep now, hopefully get better, I still gotta visit yc's church tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Went to sentosa for 2 days to de-stress a lil. Actually its more cause my parents won lucky draw hotel 2 days 1 night and spa... Ok, so I am poor...
Good thing is, I found out I actually have a chance to maybe go on a cruise trip. My father was talking about it... But judging at the cost of it, and the fact that my father jokes alot, I have my doubts.
Sentosa was okay, went for the luge ride, the chairlift and eat... Ate buffet breakfast on the morning of the second day, got myself 2 ham omelette and some other stuff with coffee and a bowl of miso soup(hmm, miso soup for breakfast is kinda new).
Sides that, I saw peacocks. 3 babies when I was eating the breakfast. 3 babies and the mummy. Kawaii =)... Saw 2 male peacock showing off to a female. Wow and my parents saw this peacock standing on a balcony at the second floor with the tail almost touching the table on the first floor. God... That's long...
Im thinking of using this for the history project, took some souveniors back, and pictures of the peacock, room and my dad and I on the chairlift. Or maybe I'll use the genting trip 3 years ago...
Recently life is not going very well, maybe Im just imagining things, who knows truly? Adding on the it, I dont feel like going to the 6B chalet. Tho Im hoping it would be successful and everything...
The only reason to motivate me is the thought of seeing all my friends again, specially jayce and marinah. Some other friends like petrina, zann, kim and gang. Tho I see kim almost everyday, jill too... Jill also doesnt wanna go, but at least she got a valuable reason for not wanting to go...
Listen to 'Bad Day - Daniel Powter'. Thats how Im feeling now, just plain bad, dont know the reason, dont bother. Im going to pay diaryland a visit, ta-ta.