Friday, March 31, 2006
50th anniversary
Today was the celebration for Dunman High's 50th anniversary. Had the celebration during the morning. Didn't wear double, and that's a good thing! We were like sweating like hell during assembly and the concert.
It was cool, nice. Was blocked by this pillar, so missed some parts. So tired now, just got back from choir keleidascope awhile ago. Dad fetched me home with carrie. It was so nice! Zi Xuan and Leslie were wearing TUX! Woooo! Haha
Zi Xuan's hair was way weird while leslie look totally pukable... (no offence)... Zi Xuan was sooo PRO! During recess we heard him play for 30 min. It's a FOC 'Lee Zi Xuan concerto', free standing. He played so nice and we could cover his eyes and he wouldn't even play wrong notes.
Said he got grade 5 when he was only 5 years old and passed grade 8 around P5... That's CRAZY... Practice like 2 hours everyday.... And he enjoys it... PRO lor....
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Haha, we got our anniversary goodie bags today. Immediately wore our shirts over our uniform and we look... WOW! So
SEH! This is iowa copy-righted, J-Pop/Punk style. We make use of our school shirt, uniform and cap... Haha, creative Iowans =)
I'll put up the group photo later on, have to get Yen Chen to send it to me later on. We'll most probly be wearing it for tomorrow's celebration. We'll stand out.. Lol.. Cheng Ting was wearing like this walking back to class after VA. Lotsa people stared at her 0.o Most of us took out the shirt already...
Eunice Lee and Si Yin changed the lyrics of "By Now", the campus superstar theme song. It's really nice, too bad blogger doesn't read chinese words... Really cool. One part... "By now... 1I make us jiao1 ao4", it was funny in a sense. Another part... "lao3 shi1 jiao1 ke4 shi2 wo1 men2 dou1 xiang3 shui4 jiao4", it was fun =)
Today during VA we did this activity, sort of like pass the parcel. You throw this beach ball around the room, when the music stops who holds the ball answers the question. VA was okay today =) This was something that made the whole class laugh.
Mdm Lim: What makes a chilli crab?
Zi Xuan: Chilli and crab =)The answer was actually Malay and Chinese, it was suppose to be asking which ethenic race made the chilli crab or something like that, I wasn't really listening.. Oh well, I better finish my milo before it gets warm, and gotta start loading tokyo mew mew too... RYOU SHIROGAN <3 <3
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I haven't been blogging for awhile... Oh well, I just lose that interest but, I'll keep this blog alive. Yeah, alive it will be. Currently In obsession stage. So it pretty much keep me occupied... Here are some...
1# RYOU SHIROGANE from tokyo mew mew =) da platanium blonde
2# Yuyang =) even though he's outta the competition
3# Tokyo Mew Mew - can't deny it's a wonderful show, and really funny too
4# Chobits - great show, but really pervertic in a sense... Hideki = Pornia
I really better get off and start on history.. And I still haven't done portfolio OR read good earth.. This sucks.. Tokyo Mew Mew kept me away, there's like pass 50 episodes! Each around 25 minutes. Skip the music, about 20. And yeah, I haven't edited my to do list yet, so it's kinda out dated..
I'm sleepy, I think I'll skip history and do tomorrow morning... The most I wake up earlier... 4.30 would be fine =) Ta-ta, nights.
Friday, March 24, 2006
4 days
Its been 4 days since I last posted.. Quite a rare sight, used to post every single day. Too busy now, lots of projects and homework...
HEAVY workload...
Yesterday we managed to skip 2.4 km run thanks to eunice. She predicted for rain and yup, it rained. Played badminton instead... Played with eunice, we both played like shyt. Haha. Everytime we hit the ball once the next thing you see its on the floor.
Ending part of the lesson got the see cheng ting and marcus play. Soooo friggin'
SEH!! I think Im falling in love with badminton 0.0 totally cool! They hit so hard theres a loud sound everytime and they could last for so long. Omg, *admire*
They play until got style lor. So
SEH one.. Then cheng ting jump and hit the shuttlecock also got style one. Then when marcus playing with mr tan so funny lor. He keep scolding and scolding.. Haha.. Our class so vulger de =)
Just now novia and jia hui came over. So scared of ruby lor, haha, had to close the door on air-con and keep ruby out. Then at first wanna do FPS one, at the end only find abit of things then get distracted le. Jia hui so funny.She go wear my pink hairband then push up then so funny lor. Got picture, but later I show I kena murdered.
Then me and novia played icy tower for awhile. Then we had picnic, haha. Mc and coke and crackers. But then short while only, cause take so long to reach home. Took bus 12 today. Saw ws at first, then we 6 were sitting in the bus lor, noise mainly by novia, jill, ws and me. In front got carrie and jia hui, then behind then novia and jill, then me and ws.
Then after past victoria tt time saw eugene get on, then jill say he look like nerd lor, haha. So funny. Maybe next time I take bus 12 to school. Then can take with ws. Then at the same time jill can take bus 12 home so can.... *super loud noise*.... then she would be very happy lor =)
Monday, March 20, 2006
Apple on a stick
So the blusher lady was friggin' irritating again. She made us wait so long again. Damn blusher lady. Not gonna buy from her anymore. I swear on that.
Today Kim told me bout the apple on a stick, which is today's topic here. Apple is referring to this really fat lady. Stick refers to this really thin lady. So apple on a stick. The fat sitting on the thin. Imagine that... Wow...
So the apple was wearing a miniskirt and when she sat on the stick it became totally short 0.0 *gasp*. Not that Im bias against over sized people... At least try to cover your flaws, tt's thick skinned... So the apple was shaking about on the stick.
I wonder how the stick manage to hold tt... Weight... And the apple was swaying left to right... And the guy sitting beside em was controlling his laughter... Kim and her friends sitting opposite was also doing the same... Wow...
Oh well, our topic ends here. Lesson here is.. Never be in a situation like the apple on a stick. It isn't nice! Trust me! Even hearing the story made me burst out in laughter, if I were there, I would've made a great scene 0.0 Enough bout tt... Ta-ta =)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
school reopen
Back to troubling school days again.. So about my homework, I manage to finish.. In a way.. So there's some I don't know so I left blank.. And bout the poem, I had no idea cause I didn't bring home the 'Poem' thing. Oh hell, neways it's not needed tomorrow.
About the chinese, I manage to slack. Haha, I have my ways. I actually don't need to read finish everything! Wasted that precious time of mine.. Yea, and Im actually proud I manage to read finish. About the work, like I said, I don't know some...(actually, about 1/3 or maybe 1/4)
Watched this ghost show too...999-9999.. It's actually a phone number, you call it and you can get whatever you want, but after you get it, you die. It's not really scary, just really disgusting the way they die. Getting sucks into this no gravity place, then your arm cut off by this blade, still not enough.. Top half of the head get sliced, Ewww!
Then another one.. Something heavy is gonna drop on the guy, he manages to avoid it...(Whew..) He took a step back to avoid but then get pierced by this pipe behind him which he didn't notice. It went all the way through. He pulled himself up, but then drop back on the floor. Then we realise that his heart got stuck in the hole of the pipe... -.-" And it's friggin' pumping still... Yuck factor, 100%...
Im getting goosebumps, and I think I better go to bed now or else I might have to bother my dad tomorrow again... And I cant go to school with Kim to tell her all about the show and my homework.. Haha. I guess there's probly nothing interesting about my homework. Neways.. Bye
Saturday, March 18, 2006
damn work
Oh I feel so acomplished now I finished reading.... 15 pages of the book. (thought I really finished? hah, like real). To hell with it. I swear to finish it before I touch the computer.
Maybe I can take out the worksheet to see if I can slack abit... Skip a couple of stories and such... =) Or maybe I could take monday off and have another day to chiong my work.. Yea.. Maybe..
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Ok, Im slacking slacking slacking slacking and slacking this holiday. The thing is that... I haven't done a single hw at all.. Wow.. But the thumbs up to this is that.. It proves tt Im pretty normal.
The abnormal thing bout this is that if there's a 100 over page book u need to finish.. And.. I do have one.. Ok what the heck. Tt would be pretty hard to finish in a night.. Which is usually leave all my hw to...
Sometimes I wonder how I got into dhs. I wonder when was the last time I truly studied.. All I know is tt it was a long time ago, maybe, not ever in my whole friggin' life. Im thinking of getting started on my hw after dinner and hopefully get it done, at least, the reading first..
Maybe tt's a resolution I can make. Or maybe on the things to do column Im gonna add. Oh well, bout tuesday when I went back to see the wsps guzheng members, it was cool. We manage to get past the guards outside sch, haha, tt's an acomplishment.
We saw the teacher, botakia, haha. Still erm, as botak as ever =) and our wonderful guzheng members. Actually, more of the P4s and not the P6s. We're sorta more close to our P6 guzheng juniors tho... Yea, they're nice.
Was with mm, vien and ws. After visiting, went to Mcs to have lunch. Vien ate the fantastic 0.0 wow... Dun really like it, soggy in a way and looks way weird.. No offence.. Took pictures, haha, kinda fun.
After went to mm's house, ws couldn't go.. So we visited peach(mm's rabbit), then took more pictures. Ok, we're probly kinda self-obsessed in a way, haha(that's sooo wrong!). Took this really crazy picture with vien and I worshipping... mm's fan?! Tt was crazy all right..
Neways, I better get started before I lose tt 'hw' mood.. Im already feeling kinda in a 'no hw' mood now.. Well, see ya =)
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Im a rich Bdae Girl

Birthdays rock totally! Had a great time today. Look at my presents! Wow, Im touched. MM and Jayce gave me a musical box, wow =)) ws gave me a extremely cute notebook with 2 colour pens. MM and Jayce also wrote me a card, haha, look at tt white card above!
Shuling gave me a bracelet and earrings which are so stunning, and it's in a fab box(I was told Wei Kai also paid or something, thnks). Crystal gave a this extremely nice necklace...(oh wow, gotta find more words describing 'wonderful/pretty').
And I got 3 Ang Paos from 3 adults. Then a billabong wallet and adidas watch which is totally cool from Crystal's mum, but Im not sure if both are by her or something. Haha, nvm.
Bailey is so damn cute. Once he was sleeping in my parent's toilet and we couldn't find him. Almost everyone went around the whole house and outside to look for him and couldn't find. In the end we realised he was in my parent's toilet all along... That's so diao...
Chocolate fountain was nice, haha. Jayce and MM were so scared of xena for some reason. Xena is a small but fierce Chihuahua, haha, but she's actually harmless in a way, even tho Im also abit freaked out if you want me to touch her or something.
Lol, look at the mess I made after opening the presents...

Oh well, I'll clean it up... Got more pics at my gallery... Link is
[x] here. Got to go sleep now... Got chinese orchestra meeting tomorrow... See ya...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
First Practice
Just had my first suona practice. It was kinda difficult, really got to blow hard and it's really loud. Song Jia didn't quit, yea! Got my suona already, can't practice at home though... Played till my hands were sorta aching.. Oh well, it's kinda nice tho...
So sad ws can't stay today, gotta attend cousin's party.. Ahh nvm...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
tired and feddup
Im friggin' tired and friggin' feddup.... Stupid geography task... Maybe the reason why they give us more than a day is cause we need more than a day... And I have only like 1 day left... And that 1 day is only a few hours... Unless I have to do it through midnight like history..
Can't find that stupid human and physical environment picture. Killing me! So Im so damn tired I dun wanna write anymore now. Poor Carrie tho... She just lost her phone! Wish her luck with her parents! >.<
Went to Macdonald after school with Jill today. Saw Shi Yuan =) and.... Wei Yan! Oh my god lol, he's scary y'noe! Jill and I were eating and talking when suddenly he appeared beside Jill, lol! I still remember that 'wonderful' time when the stink bomb exploded in his bag, stink up the whole class that we had to go outside to wait for the smell to go away! It was so funny! Remember that it smells like rotten egg... Ewww!
Hmm... Why is so little people online today! Only got 3 people from Iowa online... Crap... Feel like sleeping... Haix...
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Boooya!! Passed chinese test! Won't say my marks, it's lousy like shyt tho Im already happy with it. Getting Lang Arts on Friday. Again, I think Im gonna fail... I think the toad hates us, haha, some people would be able to understand that...
So today when I was in the bus with Jill and Eunice Tan... We were at the back area... Then Han Lin and his friend was like in front of us. And Han Lin said that we won't be able to get out already, cause he's gonna block us. Lol, crap lor. Then when we reached Aljunied station we were like hitting and pushing him.
We were practically screaming and hitting like mad, at the end I managed to squeeze out behind him, same for Jill and Eunice. Before that we threatened him... 'Oi! If you don't let us out we don'y buy you hair straightener for your birthday okay?! LET US OUT!!' Haha, it was really funny, I think the people behind us think we're mad =/
Got in the MRT, it was left with me and Jill, went to find Novia, Grace and Jovina. As usual, talked until we reach our station. Grace and Jovina got off at Tampines leaving the three of us left. Novia went home while me and Jill went to get sushi again... Then run to get in 359 just on time(again!).
So Im gonna end my crapping here for now... Btw FPS was so nice today, first time we really concentrated. Wooo! I think we wrote lots of solutions compared to the other groups. Yeah! ^5
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Wooo, saw this really cute guy on MRT today. Jill was also there, haha. That made my day =) Bleh, whatever... I sound like a certain someone... Ahh!
Just watched campus superstar. Yu Yang! Yu Yang is the best! I noticed he pierced 1 ear, left one. Cool man! Haha. I support Yu Yang, Yi Yuan and Adriano. Too bad Yi Yuan out already! So not fair! He also didn't get lowest right? Argh!
Watch one italian show 'life is beautiful/mei3 li4 ren2 sheng1' today for chinese 3 period. Almost fell asleep... The guy was freaking retarded! And then got one part the subtitle was like saying, 'wo3 yao4 gen1 ni3 zuo4 ai4' and it repeated afew times! Haha. Then there's this kissing scene, then everyone was 'EEEWWWWW!!' then Wu Lao Shi keep saying, 'bu4 ke2 yi3 kan4', haha.
Didn't manage to finish the show, but heard from Jill it was really sad! The guy died! Then for history we also watched this show about ancient egyptian, almost fell asleep. The good thing about it is that at least it's in english right?
Those shows really made me feel like sleeping... The thought of rushing back home to catch the repeat of campus superstar kept me awake, now it's over I feel like sleeping. And I just heard from Marcus that we won't be getting our chinese test back tomorrow cause Wu Lao Shi took BP to teach chinese last time and had to return the period! Oh shucks....
Monday, March 06, 2006
Yeah! 8 days more till I'm officially 13 years old! Haha, celebration time! Gonna have a small party this Sunday, whoever who wants to come just ask me, the more the merrier right? We're having pizza for dinner and chocolate fountain for dessert, Mmmm...
It's so cool, maybe ws is gonna stay over on Saturday night. That'll be so fun, we probably won't be able to sleep. Yeah, so besides that I'm also having another mini party just friends only. Go watch a movie and just shop around or something. I'm thinking 'Nanny Mcphee', seems interesting... Hopefully I can get my parents to subsidise a little so they won't need to pay that much.
Lol, I can't wait, hope everything goes smoothly. Great party and everything, not like my bro's birthday(argh, bad memory). So this is one reason why I'm still happy today. Got our math test results... 38.5/50... Quite satisfied, did not fail! When Ms Ngau ask the class 'who thinks they're gonna fail?', practically everyone have their hands raised high up in the air!
I'm pretty afraid of chinese, many failed! Oh noes... And if you fail, Wu Lao Shi will call parents! Oh noes again... I better go tell my mum to get ready to receive call from teacher... At least got some preperation.
Better get going now, all the best to everyone, don't fail chinese! *prays hard*
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Sometimes I really wonder. The human mind can be so complex. People can be so different when you talk to them face to face and on MSN. How strange can it get?
Speaking to them just makes me look at them at a different perspective. If I were to guess who that person is? I'd surely take a lifetime to get it right. The way they speak has an obvious difference, it's like speaking to 2 different person...
Okay, so enough about this... I still got zhou ji to complete, don't know how the hell do I do it. Yeah btw, CO is finally starting! Next Saturday 1.30pm-2.30pm.
Got to pay a registration fee of $15, half a month fee of $50 and $160 to buy the instrument. It's much cheaper than guzheng but then we don't need to pay then, maybe because what they teacher is different, should be...
There's only 2 suona players, me and another girl, song jia. She learns dizi, so she wants to transfer out of suona. Says suona is very loud blah blah blah... Oh well, I find it's okay, though it really is loud...
Lol wtf, I'm gonna watch TV then try to start on my zhou ji already...
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Was chatting with Alex awhile ago... Talking to me about stuff I wouldn't believe unless I see proof. It's so stupid! That wouldn't happen at like... 13 years old? Maybe in around years later, but then definately not now.
Haha, I don't dare to write details... Later if he ever see he'll murder me.. Maybe.. Unless he wants me to spread it lar... But that would kinda be like impossible.. So I won't say details..
Joining Hip-Hop lesson at the CC with Novia... Actually I can't believe Novia dancing Hip-Hop, she's too hyper and erm, children-like.. Oh well, I also can't imagine myself dancing.. It's weird, but whatever.. Hopefully she calls me soon, then we can plan when to register, lesson starting at 11 March, wow, 3 days before egg-crack...
Listening to BoA now... BoA rawks, haha. Listening to some english versions. Amazing Kiss and No.1. Actually got others in my MP3, juz that I'm lazy to transfer. Blame 'me' for crashing my computer...
Friday, March 03, 2006
OMG I think I'm gonna fail math! I so flunked the math today... Im gonna get kena by Ms Ngau liao... I dun understand what she saying in class... Wahhhh!!! Shit shit shit.... Stupid math.... I hate hate hate tests!!
So currently Im pissed enough by the idiotic math test which Im going to fail and the geog assignment which I duno how to do... So to hell with it... Dun wanna type no more...
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Absorbent Pear
I want to be an absorbent pear like dearest 'shuai ge' yen chen... She absorbs examinable subjects like science and LA... But then fail malay like duno what shit... But, malay no big, so not much of a problem.
The good thing about being an absorbent pear is that you can sleep and listen at the same time and it doesn't go out e other ear like in the show 'I not stupid too'. I worship the absorbent pear... Teach me the skills so I can be absorbent, don't only teach me how to sleep and not listen to anything!
AMAZING FACTSIf you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat up one cup of coffee.(Hardly seems worth it..)
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.(Now that's more like it!)
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.(O.M.G.!!)
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.(In my next life, I want to be a pig.)
A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy)(I'm still not over the pig.)
Banging your head against all wall used 150 calories an hour.(Don't try this at home, maybe in school.)
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.("Honey, I'm home. What the...?!")
The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.(30 minutes... Lucky pig! Can you imagine?)
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.(What could be so tasty at the bottom of a pond?)
Some lions mate over 50 times a day.(I still want to be a pig in my next life... Quality over quantity)
Butterflies taste with their feet.(Something I always wanted to know.)
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.(Hmmmm....)
Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)
Elephants are the only animal that cannot jump.(Okay, so that would be a good thing.)
A cat's urine glows under black light.(I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.(I know some people like that.)
Starfish have no brain.(I know some people like that too.)
Polar bears are left-handed.(If they switch, they'll live alot longer.)
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.(What about that pig?)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Love this skin
This skin rawks man... Said I wanted to study LA earlier... Argh, didn't make it in e end, I knew this would happen... Nvm, gonna study on the way to school tomorrow... First, pack my file, its a total mess. Took me ages to find my stuff...
Uploaded more songs on my phone, I not stupid too theme song and some Aaron Carter songs. Im like super blur today. I left my file in school and I thought I lost it and left it at the MRT station. Even went to ask if they seen any file. Then when I reach school I saw my file under the table and then finally remembering something...
Before I went out of school yesterday I found out I left my file in class and was lazy to go back to take it so I thought, "aiyah, nevermind lar, tomorrow go school then take lor, no difference mah..."
That's more than enough to make my day crappy... Then today during lunch we ate then went back to class. One big group of us were sitting outside the classroom. Then Si Yin say we look like gang liddat. Ask me to take a video, took it, I'll find a way to upload it... Then afterwards Eunice Lee say maybe can make MV, like the I not stupid too... Good idea, cept... How to?
Currently I still have zhou ji and one LA work to finish... Zhou Ji can do tomorrow, friday pass up, or issit monday? Then LA is tomorrow, but can do when I reach school, neways I have only 1 question left...
CME sucks... I got scolded by teacher when I was just turning around to ask Eunice how to do the freaking family tree... And just because I didn't write some stupid translation which I absolutely understand, I got scolded, fuck lar.... So my current hatest subject is CME, wish I could drop that...
I heard CO is starting next week. Asked Mdm Illyana when it was gonna start, she says that cause of some problems she's not sure when, but then it should be next week... Oh well, all the CCAs have started except for CO, Im like so free, and friday sucks cause I have to go home alone and as you know, the journey is damn long n boring...
Now, Im tired and I don't feel like packing my file anymore... Fine... Leave it to next morning again... Such a lazy person I am... Wish I could fall asleep more in class like Yen Chen... She should influence me more... Jia You....