Saturday, January 28, 2006
Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year!! This chinese new year is boring! I mean the reunion dinner that is. Last time we used to go out and eat. Children table and Adult table. It'd be fun. This year, today...
Catering.... Food is yuck.... People came in the morning, then eat, not even eating together... Then went out with mum to go shopping(posted about it earlier). So I didn't know what happened. Then when I got back everyone was gone.
And we haven't even eat the yu2 sheng1 yet. Usually is everyone crowd around then stir together. This year only got me, bro, mum, dad, grandma, aunt and uncle... Then after that, we didn't even eat together again.
Nonsense! What kinda 'reunion' dinner is this... Hope tomorrow will be better... Going to mum's side the grandma's house.
Shopping Spree
Today went on a Chinese New Year shopping spree =) Bought so many things. 1 belt accessory from S&K(samuel & kevin), 1 long pants from S&K, 1 shirt from S&K, 1 pair of shoes from Isetan, 1 shirt from X-craft, 1 bag from converse, 1 shirt from ice lemon tee.
Love the shirt from ice lemon tee. It's sort of a short sleeve jacket kinda thing. With a hood that you can keep or take it out. Real cool. And also that Voodo Tee from X-craft, so cool =) You'll know when you see it. Love the shoes, it's sort of like those from converse, but much cheaper.
The accessory is nice, fab... It's got chain, furry thing and one string. That shirt from S&K is like long sleeve shirt, but it's actually 3 quarters, white, kinda see through, but it's supposed to be like that, haha, as long as I don't wear dark colours inside...
The converse bag was the one I always wanted, haha. Was waiting for that day when I can finally buy it, now that day has come, hahahaha. =) Today was great. Reunion dinner was super simple and sort of messed up. Yesterday reunion was the best. Love seeing everyone again...
I Lurve Shopping! =)
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Why doesn't DHS have halfday tomorrow!! I want to go back to see the juniors play guzheng. See how they're getting to. Whether they've reach gold standered like us. It's so unfair.
I miss the guzheng room... I miss playing together... I miss having fun during lesson... I miss going to hang out behind at the playground with the fellow guzheng members... I miss the teacher(sad to say)... I miss performing... I miss moving the guzhengs around... I miss GUZHENG GROUP!
It's not fair. Why do we have full day. I'll have to miss the WSPS guzheng chinese new year performance. It'll be nice finally seeing people play besides playing for people to see. It's so sad...
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I feel so sick these days. Argh, it's so tiring going to school everyday. It just gets better during recess. ACC is boring, I don't really get anything the teacher is saying, hmmm, I wonder if there's any test.
Holidays were really nice and free, but then it's so boring. I miss the holidays though, I miss our 6B farewell party, it was so wonderful. Remember our stroll to the part every morning at 5? Haha, and the boys went to play soccer. And we waiting at the wrong place to watch the sun rise! How silly of us... And even though we knew that on the first day we still went on the second. Silly, but really fun.
I miss 6B so much, glad I'm seeing them on wednesday again. Wonder how everyone's doing, hmmm.... Saw a few people when going home sometimes... Jaycelyn, Vivien, Shi Yuan, Doreen, Clara, Zann and the twins(lemin/qin)... Met some others during the edusave... Marinah, Sing Hui, Adeline, Kliven, Eugene, Shakir, Brandon ect ect.... And some others I see almost everyday, Jill, Kim, Liwen and JJ.
Go to school with Jill and Kim almost everyday, cept now Jill's dad wanna fetch her everyday to 'bond' and Kim's been sick for 2 days, get well soon! Now I go recess with my new friends, oh wait, do I even go for recess?? Oh no, I don't...
Last two days was very 're4 nao4' going home. Was with Jill, Eunice(Tan), Novia, Jia Hui, Grace, Jovina, Kee Chin and Zi Xuan. Me, Jill and Kee Chin stop at Pasir Ris while the rest at Tampines. And so unlucky Kee Chin takes the same bus as me and Jill and he stops one stop ahead of us. I think he stalks people. Haix, it's a long story. I try my best to avoid but it just won't work, I know he stalks people!
I'm bringing the class photo tomorrow to show Eunice something, haha, don't wanna say it out here. Jill is known as 'despo' and Eunice as 'Golfer' haha, only Jill calls Eunice 'Golfer' though, but we all call Jill 'despo' haha. It's fun, but I sortof don't like 'certain' seniors, so rude, so rude...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Chinatown is tiring... Jia Min, Jia Hui and I went together... We bought macdonalds and went to one corner at one secluded stairway near the shopping centre... We sat there and eat and write, haha. So sad no air-con.
It was okay, just that it was really tiring. After that met up with Jill and Kim and we went home together from Chinatown. Jill was like walking so fast, it's so hard to catch up. Then we kept asking people on the way how to get to the MRT station.
So crap lar, I still got commonwealth essay, ahh! I think Kim love essay, haha, she went to ask teacher bout it. So sad her teacher made em do in the class, lol. We goo 2 weeks! But I'm not sure if it's really the commonwealth essay though....
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Movie Mania!
Today went back to school to do notice board. I only managed to finish the chinese new year area cause we had nothing to do it with. So we were slacking most of the time. Then Kee Chin was like snatching my phone so many times, haha. But it was really fun.
Then Esther and I left at 11+ cause we watching Memoirs Of A Geisha at 12. Me and Esther waited for the bus so long... Haha, we were so late already. Then later when the bus came, we only took it half way to the MRT station. Then we got off and don't know which bus stop and took taxi.
Esther paid! Thanks! Haha, we took it from aljunied to tampines! Cost $8+, then we ran inside the shopping centre... Took the lift, but it was freaking slow. Was suppose to go up but went down then up instead, and stopped at every level!
Then we went to buy the ticket then went in to watch. Then suddenly Brandon and his friend said they wanna go get something to eat first. Then Esther and I went in first. We watched the show until after awhile then they came in.
In the whole movie, I think only we four were like laughing so much. It's like so wierd since no one else was laughing. Then during the show Brandon was like predicting the show then we were like laughing. He and his friends were don't know doing what crap. Lol...
Then once, someone from infront turned back to 'Shhhh..' at us, haha, but I think it was directed at Brandon. Then after the show we all rushed to toilet, then when I got out the guys were gone liao. Gtg I think... Then Esther and I went to take neos...
After taking neos we went around somemore before our second show. I Not Stupid 2. The show was awesome, much better than the rest. The front was so funny and the back was so touching. Almost cried, haha.
Joshua Ang and Shawn Lee were sooooo cool =) I <3 Joshua Ang, haha, joke... He's just so cool/shuai. Aiyah, I know my taste very bad lar... Haha, I don't care! =) He's so cool, ahh, I'm crazy, I talk like Jill...
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tiring but fun

Here's a pic we took after completion of our masterpiece =)
Today was really tiring! But it was so fun! We did the handprints today, go to the photoalbum to see. Almost all the handprints were made by me and Felicia. Exception of 3 which were made by Leslie(his own print) and Yen Chen(2 prints).
It was so fun today, haha. Chinese orchestra audition was okay, got to sing... Sort of like the aural test in piano practical. But painting was really fun, picture taking was the best, haha. Look at that picture above! That's Eunice Lee, me, Eunice Tan and Yen Chen. So cool picture....
Monday, January 16, 2006
Oh no, chinese orchestra briefing today was so not okay. I came in extra early so I was like sitting over there alone with 2 other girls I don't freakin know. I was feeling so 'extra' over there.
Then soon more people were coming in, and it seems all of em have a friend with them. That made me feel even more 'extra' I think my face turned red. I can feel the heat rushing up my face, it was terrible.
Kim's EDS audition was worse then mine so at least I know I'm not alone. Oh well, what can I do? I think most probly I'll get in Guzheng cause I went through DSA... Put suona as second choice and dizi as third choice.
Actually, I don't know how to play any other chinese instrument except guzheng, it's so pathetic. Oh well.... Whatever.... Okay, so for our reunion we have a new idea. Sebastian's idea... We pitch tent in the park and stay overnight... Okay with it?
It's fine with it, it'll probly be more interesting then staying at chalet. But I know some parents would worry so I'm just giving this suggestion first. So whatever, I don't think people even read my blog. Bye
Sunday, January 15, 2006
homework day
Today was really tiring... Did my zhou ji. Had lotsa trouble doing it. Wanted to plan out what to write on computer first, so don't have any 'cuo bie zi' or whatever. So I was typing yeah. But I was also chatting with erm...
Miss Ngau, Esther, Leslie, Felicia and Daniel. Then with the sound when there's a message... I can't concentrate! Haha, but it was fun chatting. Now there's 10 people on my list with the IOWA nick =) Including Miss Ngau. Hopefully more Iowa people will change their nick.
We Iowa people have the best class spirit ever! I love 1Iowa =) Okay, I better stop already. Still gotta finish thinking of more ideas for zhou ji to finish the 300 words and gotta bathe, it's 9pm already! Oh noes... So again, Whatever! Ending here...(shesh, hope I can remember how to say bye in malay so i can use it) Bye!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
class spirit
Guess what? Almost all my classmate have the same nick, sides the name and the crap stuff behind. 1I really got the class spirit, it's so cool. I hope we get to win the competition thing though, we put in lotsa effort. 1Iowa must win =)
For all 1Iowa people, you can go to others, there's a link to my photo album, you can see all the pictures taken during the painting job we did today! I only took it around the ending time, so most of the pictures are about people cleaning up or resting =P
Thnks to Marinah for lending me her bluetooth. I told my dad and he said he'll buy one for me, yay! I also got some other photoes, of the 6B students, but only some of em. It's cool. If anyone got any photoes from 6B please send it to me =) thanks in advance.
I got some photoes of Ruby in the album too, she's so cute. Btw, for those who don't know... Ruby is my dog, she's super cute and adorable and she has too much fur sometimes she looks like a ball. But she's still the super cute and adorable and cute and erm... Adorable...
I got $300 for edusave this year! Woohoo! I heard from my mum in sec sch you get top 10% and you get $500. How I wish I can get! My bro didn't get anything cause he slacked ALOT. It's nice seeing some of my classmates again =) love em from the bottom of my heart... (like real, but it's still nice seeing em again)...
Friday, January 13, 2006
Wishing at the park
I wanna go wishing with Weeshan again. Now I'm so busy I'm worry I won't make it. I miss the park >.< that day going to the park with Weeshan was so fun. I remember we finally got ourselves to the playground and we were exhausted.
We went to the spinning thing. I sat, Weeshan didn't. Then this guy was running on it and it was so damn fast. Certain times I was really holding on to my life. One time it was so fast I accidently kicked this small girl that was standing too close, sorry! The wishing part was the best though. haha.
Today went with Jill and Kim to White Sands again, cause jill needed to collect the Eagles award. Then the netball people were training, then the coach and Jill talked. Then when Jill went in to collect the award the coach asked us to go over and tell our aggregate score to the team. Then we were like very lan lar, then tell our score. Then the coach say, "you see ***, *** already counted as lan leh!" It was so funny, haha. Show off to juniors.
Then guess who we met later! MRS TEO!!! We were coming back from the canteen then we saw someone like Mrs Teo talking to one of the coach or teacher in charge. Then we were like, is that Mrs Teo? Is that Mrs Teo?? After we see clearly then we were like shouting, Mrs Teo!! She saw us then later ask us to wait since she was talking to the c/tic.
Later we had a long talk with her, it was so nice. Then Jill got scolded by Chen Lao Shi(before we met Mrs Teo) and then by Mrs Teo. She got scolded for being too honest, haha. She hao lian lar. Then later we ask when we can go back to school to promote DHS like last year P6.
I think it shld be term 2, like last year. Hope we can go =) Hope it's Jill, Kim and me that goes back. Then later Mrs Teo say, "when you know when coming back then call me, so I can tell Mrs Dillion that we have some ex-students that are really enthusiastic to come back to show off to their juniors" Lol, she really said something like that!
It's really so nice seeing her again. Her present class isn't as fun as our class from what I'm hearing. There's no 'eugene foo', 'khairi', 'liwei', 'asyrafi', some other guys and mostly, US! And she says she kinda misses Eugene Foo! Pass the message =)
I miss 6B so much! It's just 2 weeks in sec sch and I'm missing my pri sch. I'd so love to go back to 'show off' to the juniors, lol. "COME TO DHS!" =P
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Just a normal day
If I never grow any taller, I'm going to blame the people that set the timetable. Today my bag is freaking heavy. I went to weigh is, its 6kg. My shoulders hurt terribly, I hope they give us our lockers soon. So I can stuff my maths, science and whatever thick books I have.
Today met some new teachers including history. I don't like the history teacher. No way... Lang arts is cool now, besides the essay writing thing. CME, can't hear properly. It's like, even though it's an english book we listen and write and talk in chinese. Crap.
Today Kim had to paint classroom so she didn't go back with Jill and I. Then at first Jill and I wanted to visit Victoria(of course its Jill's idea). So she called Liwei and used me as and excuse to ask how to get to Victoria. But at the end cause of the rain we didn't go.
Then we went to white sands to get something to eat. Jill bought delifrance and I got macdonalds. After we went to take bus home. Then on the bus we were like talking about the different secondary schools. Cause we saw lotsa Hai Sing Catholic people. And we passed by Loyang Primary. Then we were talking about the schools when we passed by this place...
Then there was this Hai Sing guy. Then cause we were talking about the schools then we like stare abit. Then he was also like staring at us.. Then we look away then look at him again. That time he was already behind so we turned and look. Then he was also turning his head back and still staring at us. Oh my god so wierd.
So its like we were having a staring competition with some Hai Sing guy we don't even reconise. So whatever, from what I know, Hai Sing isn't a really good school, no offence... So whatever, I want people to tag more >.< My tagboard is having cobwebs already...
ps. 6B people please visit class blog, I'm repeating this the last time!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Memories of my past
This is a poem from my 'first' post. It's not really my first post since I deleted many other later posts for who knows what reason I've already forgotten. I just love this so much...
I will never forget, the days we once had.
The days when you were everything to me.
My mind used to tell me,
That we'd be together forever,
But now I realise that was all a big dream,
Which makes my heart,
Shatter into a million pieces.
I wish so very much that one day,
We can have it all back.
But for now, I sit here silently,
Remembering all the memories,
We once shared.
Your existence is what makes mine.
Now, if love is painful and tortures us so..
Why do we love?
Why is it all we search for in life?
This pain, this agony? Why is it all we long for?
This torture, this powerful death of self?
Maybe because... Its love...
Yay! Success is sweet! Did this skin from scratch. Except the words and navigations, I was too tired I reused it. So I guess I still have too credit J-wen for that. Messed with photoshop for the whole night till the middle of the night before I finally got it done.
Wow, I think I burned all my braincells that night. But I still kinda prefer the J-wen's skin, but it's a nice feeling to have your own one on. The brushes were wonderful, wonder why I didn't thought of that earlier. The poem in the front is searched on the net. I can't put in credits cause I 'X' of the page and now I can't find it anymore.
All the nice stuff is on the left, the right looks so boring. I have no idea what to do with it so I'll just leave it as it is. My first one that I'm really happy with, besides my real first one which I was so happy cause I finally got the hang of HTML.
My song is still crapped up cause of tripod so we have a while of peace and quiet in my blog. Going to go do my CL homework now, bye.
Monday, January 09, 2006
My tripod is so screwed up, I don't know what the hell I did to it now it's so damn messed up. I should've use the file manager from the start. My songs are all mixed up. >.<
I'm getting bored of this skin. I thought of designing another skin, but I'm not sure if those brushes I got would work or not. I'm also not sure of the colour theme and everything, my mind is practically blank. And I should've also changed my tagboard colour a long time ago.
Being lazy is definately a crime in this world. Whatever crap I'm talking now I don't understand either, so, whatever. School today is okay, except being tiring and such, but it's normal. Met some teachers, some alike my primary school ones.
People, remember Mrs whey? Mr fernando? Yeah, teacher's alike. Science lab is nice, besides the lack or air conditioning. Lecture is boring and cold, but it's only the first lesson, so maybe I'll change my thinking in the future. Music is, still very short.
Frankly speaking, I miss Mrs Teo and the chaos we used to cause in the class. It's all missing and, gone... The fun we had in the class the laughing and playing. it's probly too early to say still since I like just started secondary school for awhile.
I guess I'm getting naggy and such so I'll stop for now. I'll just go mess with tripod till it gets proper again. Happy holidays =)
Lamed out
Just finished helping Jiamin with her blog, now I'm so bored. And I found out Jill got her new target, and she's gonna get his number from someone else, wow, I admire her bravery. She's really going crazy, naden is going to be so sad. Whatever.
I'm going to change my song for who knows what reason. And since now I've passed my 100th post on a really bad way, I'm going to past my 150th post in a celebrating way, so I better keep it up. A post a day and soon in a month or 2 I'll be able to celebrate.
I'll go help her get her tagboard on first, sayonara.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Oh my god, almost all my primary school friend wants to be a student councillor. WeeShan(chatting with her now, chatting about how cool it is being a councillor), Marinah, Jaycelyn, Jill, Kimberley, ect.... But I don't think I'll be, my luck usually very bad one...
Once I almost became prefect in primary school... And cause of one time I keep forgetting to bring something then I cannot be, and it's so close to choosing time. That time I was still young and innocent and I wanted toobe prefect cause can wear a stupid tie which looks so ugly.
Now I look back and think, being prefect is not good, duties and duties and no fun. Being a councillor is different cause there'll be fun. So I'm being stupid here grumbling about something that I know won't happen. Oh shite this. A girl can hope right? Everyone's doing that.
WeeShan is her class's vice chairperson, so she say she surely no chance to be already. Haha, but I still think she has more chance than me. I should learn to think more positive sometimes. Oh har, I'm crapping again. 6B'05 read the notice below.
++ NOTICE ++
Everyone from 6B year 2005 please visit the class blog asap and read the recent post about our reunion, remember to tag. I repeat! Everyone from 6B year 2005 please visit the class blog asap and read the recent post about our reunion, remember to tag!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Last Day Orientation
Awww, today is the last day of DHS orientation. It's so fun today. There's singing, dancing, cheering, practically fooling around. We also got this really nice light sticks. Dancing was so fun. Did the chicken dance, hokey pokey and one other cool dance.
Did the chicken dance with Jiamin(DHS friend XP), we spinned till we were like so damn giddy. Too bad Kim and Jill were not in the same class. But I think Jill had a great day today even though i didn't really see her. But I'm sure she had a good day cause she got to look at *ahem* for almost whole of the fun part of the orientation *giggles*(damn, I don't giggle).
So overall it was fun. Came back with Kim, parents fetch at Pasir Ris MRT there. Dropped off Kim at her house there then went back. Not really tired yet. It could last longer. But my friend says that later last bus gone liao, haha. I guess he's right, later last bus gone then die.
I'll stop here, and I don't think I'll like continue from my last post, too lazy already, unless I one day very sian then I come do, if not most probly I won't update it. Btw, this song really rawks so much. I <3>.<
Thursday, January 05, 2006
On request from Kim I'll just talk a bit more bout the school, haha. The SCs in the school are nice, and really enthusiastic. Yeah... Many times when we're told to cheer only the SCs were cheering. Learnt many cheers and claps and such.
Really enjoy the CCA's tour. It's fun. I love the NPCC drill which they throw the rifle around, it's so nice and cool and neat. And the SJAB and girl guides seems interesting too, cept I'm not really into medic and making stuff. But it's cool.
Then the musical one was great. I love the latin song the choir sang, it's amazing, if I managed to find it I'll put it on. I'm tired already, update next time...
Update:I found the song title, it's Daemon Irrepit Callidus.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
second thoughts
I think I might have second thoughts on the class. I should learn to not judge a book by it's cover. 1I is a nice class... Made some great friends... Student councilors are nice too... I guess it's not too bad.
Played games and listen to talks today. Also designed our ship's flag and identity. How bad of the people to miss out our class during the parade =( *sigh*. Got to do some reflection, and I'm writing a stupid one. I like dunman high because it is big. What sort of crap is that?
And also need to write what I wanna improve tomorrow. I think I'll write, remember more people in the class. That's what I wanna do. I think this isn't that bad. And the form teacher also gave us this form...
Need to write some info about us, like what we like to be called, put our photo, what we exel in, what we do in our spare time, something like that. Then tomorrow going to see the CCAs... Most probly I'll be going to CO, don't wanna waste my guzheng...
Now all I hope is... Get my P.E. clothes... I think I better go bathe now, cause like I gotta sleep extra early now since I gotta wake up at 5+ and go out at around 5.40am, stupid distance problem.... Stupid distance problem...
Monday, January 02, 2006