Wednesday, August 31, 2005
why shout?
I don't know what to say, how to say how I feel right now... I was taking the rice from the rice cooker just now, and because there was a small bowl of black pepper salmon above, I took this 'thing' to take it out... My mum was frying some fried eggs with prawn... I used the clipping thing to take the bowl out, then I slipped off and dropped on the floor...
The sauce splat on my mum's shorts, all over the floor... Then, she shouted at me, say if I didn't know how to take don't take... But I know! I take lots of times, only this time the bowl was small and it slipped! I really don't know what to say... She practically screamed at me at how I saw it... It's not like I threw the thing on the floor and wanted the sauce to dirty the kitchen and dirty her shorts! It's not like I did it on purpose! It's not like I wanted this to happen! Why must she shout at me? Why must she shout at me for something I didn't do on purpose..... And I was just talking to her about some things that happened at the teachers day celebration earlier, we were still laughing just now... Why..... I really don't know why..... After that I wanted to help but she ask me to go away... I really started crying then, I really did... I still asked her why she shouted and walked away...
I didn't want to face my mum then, I don't know how I could face her... I went to my room to watch TV, I don't even want to eat dinner anymore... I really hate today, why does everything have to get so screwed up... Not only this, seems like everything you know!? I really don't know what to say anymore..
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Currently in school.... Chinese lesson... I don't know whether we can go other webs, but what the heck... Got back section A for science, got 52/60 =) gonna get section B after recess, hopefully I got at least 79 total... Haix, I think it's kinda impossible... Can't believe it, I know wee shan's science was good but I didn't know that good!! Highest in sch, omg...
I think I better go now, update later when I get home, not so soon since got supplymentry... Hopefully it ain't so boring... After injection, my arm hurts, but again... What the heck!?
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Haha, today archery was nice... Like one of the best lessons.... Got this subsitute teacher... At first Marinah said he was sissy but she took back her words =) At first she keep saying, teacher this and that... He say, don't call him teacher, sound like so old... Guess what... Marinah called him uncle! Even worse!!(shit, wanted to type even but typed exam instead) Hehe, then at around end of the lesson he say 'dunno who call me uncle', lol... If only next lesson, our last lesson, he also teaching us... But stay very far lor.... Haix, he's better than blur teacher lor...
Today visited this place... It's a nature walk thingy... Walk for so long!! Then walk through this bridge thingy, it was soooo high!!! I saw a bird!! Haha.... Walk for more than like 20km(don't know how much calories I lost)... Damn tiring... Saw lotsa stuff... Big gigantic ants, front part is black in colour, butt is red in colour... Then dragonflies, all red even the wings, another one, dull body colour with a bit green colour and see through wings that is shimering... Lots of different butterflies... A pestering bug........ Well, that's all I'm going to say....
Friday, August 26, 2005
Exam Stress
I really cannot believe it!! I hate the freaking number '1'... It's always 1, 1 and 1.... Stupid exam paper.... I really cannot cannot cannot believe it! I hate exams, I hate freaking exams... It's always so unfair, always always.... English, okay.... Chinese, I need 1 freaking mark to A* omg.... I hate it, why does my 'tian xie han zi' have to be so lan... If I add that mark sure can get A* one, so wasted..... Then is maths.... I hate this maths.... Another time, 1 mark!!! 1 mark to full marks its like, argh! Now it's so hard to get full marks, and now because of one stupid mistake!! I really feel so disappointed. Now I need 79 for science to get at least 260... my higher chinese is hopeless... I screwed it up today... I'm going to get 1/10 for the 'tian xie han zi'.... Fuck my life...... I hate it... I'm so stupid, why can't I just memorise some freaking words properly.... Arghhh....
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
alls well?
Well, just got back from Marinah's house... Everything is back to normal again =) Also went to loyang point to buy the Double Decker BBQ flavoured cracker.... And I just reminded myself not to eat crackers just yesterday! Okay, I swear I'm not touching crackers again until Christmas time.. 2nd post I know... But what the heck....
Marinah said her files in the computer are all missing so I went to look... She said scanned yesterday and there's this trojan virus, but she didn't see what kinda trojan virus... Argh, now it makes it so hard.... Scanned once, no virus, scanned twice, no virus but halfway the computer offed again(usual...). Before that, while it was scanning the first time, I went to look around in the computer... Guess what, I found all her pictures and display pictures and music in you know what? The recycle bin *sweatdrop*.... The asshole virus in her computer is so damn stupid. Don't even know what is empty recycle bin. I went to check the few recent trojan viruses, they said delete files... But for Marinah case, they just messed up the freakin' computer.... Her mum's Microsoft Exel files are all in this folder at 'Documents & Settings' and everything I restored from the recycle bin goes there.... All the shortcuts on the desktop are gone(most of em), okay, can be restored.... So mostly just find back all the files and restore them in order that's fine!
Well, I don't feel like studying science, but anyway I'll do that later on... I feel soooo tired..... Hopefully can sleep earlier today.. Gonna go eat dinner now... Yawn.....
Maths preliminary exam today, was quite okay.... Got at least 4-6 marks gone already I think so.... Looking at my carelessness in doing maths problems, probably more... Just hope I'll still be at A* standered..
Today is damn unlucky.... Just 'cause the maths thing... Quarrel, yeah... But good thing is that now it's resolved... I'm not going any further into this... But one thing I must say is, I hate being the middle person in everything.... Getting accused is one thing, not knowing what to do to resolve the matter is the major thing.... I'm not a psychologist for all that matter, you can't expect me to do anything if you weren't telling the facts. Plus how'd I know whose story is real? Problem, problem, problem..... Okay, I'm not saying anymore....
i checked the letter box when I got home, no letter yet! And it's already Wednesday!! There wasn't even any letter in the letterbox... I think I'm gonna go down and look one more time, it's just, I'm not the type of person who can wait patiently at these kinda stuff.... Argh.......
Today I saved the day =) well, not saved the day, but saved my bro's ass... I woke him up just in time to hurry prepare and rush for school in the taxi, haha. I saved his ass from missing school! It was 6.20 morning that time, the time when he was suppose to be in school already... He leaves at 15 everyday... So I officially saved his ass =)
Monday, August 22, 2005
Heres something I found in my email..... With cross means accurate, N means not sure, blank means no.... I put up my month, march.... There're others, don't wanna put it on =)
MARCH[N] Attractive personality (not for me to decide)
[ ] Sexy
[X] Affectionate (got to see who you are)
[X] Shy and Reserved (personally, yes)
[X] Sensitive (you can say so)
[X] Naturally Honest ( =D )
[X] Naturally Sympathetic
[N] Naturally Generous (how can I be generous if I'm thrifty?)
[X] Loves Peace and Serenity (soooo yes!)
[X] Aggresive When Provoked (wanna try me?)
[N] Sensitive To Others (whats the diff between this and the normal one?)
[X] Loves To Help Others
[X] Not Easily Angered
[X] Trustworthy (if your a good fren its probably yes)
[X] Defends Others
[X] Appreciative
[N] Returns Kindness (don't ask me)
[ ] Observant (who said Im observant?)
[ ] Assesses Others (wth is this?)
[X] Varied Interests
[X] Loves To Dream and Fantasize (totally accurate =) )
[X] Loves Travelling (yeah, but don't get the chance to do it)
[X] Loves Attention (personally...I would love it, but I don't need it)
[ ] Strong Belief System (please tell me what it this....)
[X] Hasty In Trusting Others (*grins* gotta see who you are)
[X] Loves Home Decors (love home decors hate to decorate home)
[X] Musically Talented (*innocent* am I?)
[ ] Depends On Friends
[X] Loves Special Things (love being special too)
[N] Moody and Easily Hurt (sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not)
[ ] A Giving Lover (come back next time -.-)
[X] Very Loyal (if you're also loyal)
[X] Deep Thinker (source of my problems)
[N] Feels Deeply (for? Who? What? *grins*)
[ ] A Romantic (*flicks hand* come back next time)
[X] Loves to be Loved (who don't?)
[X] Thrifty (Though I love to spend sometimes, when it's not my money..)
[ ] Loves down time alone (
Haha, that sums up... Most are correct though... But some are... Okay.... It's not for me to decide really... More for others to decide... Some things probably you people won't know... Since I can really keep a secret if I want to.... So it really all depends.... But for some eh? I'm definately sure it's right, though, I'm not gonna tell you which ones =)
Thursday, August 18, 2005
major screw up
Ugh.... Got a major screw up today.... My chinese oral..... I think I'm going to get
very low marks... I hesitated lotsa times, also for my passage reading... It's like when I see the examiner I forget everything... Feel so extremely disappointed...
Came back home, go sleep.... Feel so sad and tired after the exam thing, until about 3:30pm then I manage to get out of bed.... Watched TV.... Don't feel like playing computer then, now I really got nothing much to do since I lost interest in Conquer already... Mostly chatting and just surfing around, or finding songs and stuff.... Or just sit there and listen to songs and daydream... Oh shit, the science homework.... I'll do it later...
Well, just got back home... Went downstairs to burn hell notes and shirt and coins and gold ingots and cloth(made of paper).... Also 'jing jiu' like pour the wine in a line on the floor... I pour half of the wine from 3 cups and my dad pour the other half.... My mum was holding ruby(my dog) and my grandma stood at a side to watch... My aunt, uncle and cousin is at the opposite, they just came down... Well, my aunt and uncle just live next door, same block same floor, just next door....
Wahh.... So sad.... Wei Jian got kicked out of the superstar..... Now all I hope is Jun Yang win, mwuahahah... I don't like the blind guy.... He looks ditsy, so 'dai'.... Like he have cock eye sometimes.... Jun Yang have all the potential to win, but I think the blind guy got more supporters, that's why... Tomorrow is english oral..... Best of luck.... Best of luck....
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
New Skin
NEW SKIN!! Actually...More like, new picture... Changed the picture and the table positioning only.... Love the picture... Yeah.... It's cool, I need to find more black and white and grey picture that's nice.... Btw, this skin is...
Hip Hip Hooray!
Yes! I got a call from Dunman High, saying I'm accepted, hahaha... And guess what, I'm worrying I heard wrongly then, haha. They say they'll send a letter next week too.... Kliven told me he got a letter, made me so worried, why he got letter I don't have!? And he doesn't want to tell me whether he got accepted or not...... Then they call.... Then why they didn't call Kliven but send him a letter instead? Smsed Vivien, she didn't get a call or a letter.... She's so worried she's unsuccessful.... Truely, I don't want to go all by myself with no friends there.... It's be so lonely when everyone got a friend there but me... If I didn't hear wrongly *grin*.. Hope some peeps are going by result too, so it won't be that lonely...
Bleah, I can't stop thinking about it, it's like a dream come true! That time I was in the library at the so called 'cafe' there, when my phone ring... Yeah, I didn't set silent and it was playing Guang Liang's 'Tong Hua' MP3 version, got singing and everything..... It was like, oh my god where is my phone... Then I listened, hey, I reconise that voice, dunman high!!! Then she asked for my mum I said my mum was not around then she say I'm accepted!! They'll send a letter next week... Then don't know when must go back do don't know what.... Wahhh!! I'm extremely happy! Today one guy came to my house to change the toilet bowl and sink and tap.... Took whole day, can't go toilet >.< shheeshhh.... So now you see my mum's toilet sink is like totally 'cool'. But it doesn't fit in with the rest, I'm going to insist that she change the whole toilet to that style... Haha... It's those really modern kind, see through glass like thingy with metal pipes, not really good description, lol... Ruby had to be leeshed in my brother's room the whole day.... So when I got back from the library I brought a for a walk/run.... Tire me out, sigh...
Tomorrow is PSLE oral exam, I'm candidate one, haha, first to go first to leave... No time to prepare!!! I'm going to practice my reading later... It's my reading problem.... My picture and conversation got 9... Only my reading got 8.... And I thought reading was easiest, guess it's more complex than I thought.... And one thing, yeah, I screwed up my higher mother tongue composition, damn me.... Better go update my diary now, been a long time...
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Dunman High GAT test
Wow.... The Dunman High General Ability Test today isn't that hard at all... I'm only really stuck at the last question... Cancelled the impossible...(answers 1,2,5).... Got 2 more answers remaining, choose 4 since it's my fave number and most possible... It's multiple choice, 1 question have 5 answers for you to choose from....(of course only 1 of them is correct) It's sort of pattern type, hard to explain... I'll try to draw it out in paint....

Okay lol, it's funny, but you can get the idea right? The answer is 4, not that accurate drawing though =P And the questions are much more complicated.... Like some you need to rotate it and flip is here and there... One of them you need to draw on a paper and turn the paper around to look... It's pretty confusing... I finished in time, still got time to check 6 questions before times up... Met Vivien there too... Also met Kliven(didn't know he would be there)... The test is in the hall, it's like lotsa tables in examination style... You can sit wherever you want to... Actually Vivien was on my right side and Kliven was on my left side... At the end, one of the invigilators ask Vivien to move up a seat cause there is one empty seat infront... Well, at least we're still close by...
Waited very long... There's 38 question and only half an hour....Kliven finished just in time, Vivien panic at the last question and anyhow shaded something(she's so lucky, after she shaded finish then times up)... I asked what they wrote for the last question, Kilven put 4 which is same as me and Vivien put 3.... Kliven said that Hwa Chong general ability is also the same, but then I wonder why he took so long..... I counted the front area(before the test started, they did this and that till so long, so boring... Theres 2 area, front and back, I'm first row at back and Vivien at last row at front) Front area number of people is 17x7=119 people... At the back there's about half the amount.... Meaning total there is about 170(there's less than half the amount at back)... Meaning theres about 20 people getting out... Hope I'm in, wish I'm in.....
Enough about Dunman High..... Recently I'm kinda into Lamborghini(you don't know what it is go knock your head..It's a car brand)... The design is really really cool... I love the Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0... It's my favourite of all the cars.... Doreen saw a Lamborghini(wahhhh, so lucky)... Lamborghini rawks so much! Next time I'll earn alot and buy one(hehehe, it's sortof impossible, but it's okay to dream right?).. Ever since I saw one picture of a black Lamborghini Diablo I'm so in love with it now....
Okay, I got to say something here..... Don't you dare offend me or I'll let my dog to bite you!! Okay joke.... But really... I don't know what got to Ruby today... She bit the plumber that came to my house to fix the pipes(obvious...What can a plumber do?)... Okay, biting isn't really bad... But biting till there is 2 holes and blood gushing out, that's serious.... My parents were out, only my aunt and grandma and bro was at home... Obviously my bro was playing computer and my grandma stayed at home... My aunt took some medicine down for the plumber(he went down after he got bit)... Ruby's teeth is sharp, yeah... She's always so gentle, she's sometimes even scared of cats(my aunt's) and my aunt's(same aunt) Chi Hua Hua(you should know how small it is, if not go smack your head).... Now she bit a big guy on the leg.... Ouch.... 2 holes and... Blood.... Okay, Ruby is scary.... You all should be happy she don't bite my friends....
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
bored stiff!!!
Okay, I'm officially bored stiff!!! I'm bored till I find myself playing with myself with the friggin' paper ball the school gave us for national day *sweatdrop*.... Imagine it.... I'm in my room hitting the ball up and down to stop it from dropping.... *sweatdrop* .... Okay, a syntom of boredom...
Plus everyone is either away, busy or be right back!!! I know I'm often away or something, or should I say, always away.... But you don't need to punish me like that!! I can't ask someone whether the maths work some of em are problem sums and I need to write out the working.... I'm so stuck... I feel like throwing the book on the floor and go to sleep right now... Stop punishing me people!!! Go ONLINE!! Now people are ignoring me online, argh!! Stupid people, I hate the human race... I'm flying to mars tomorrow, maybe jupitar or saturn will work the same...
Ain't My Day
Argh..... Today just ain't my day!! What's friggin' wrong with this god damn world, things just won't last long eh?! Everything last for a short time and just as it was getting good.... BAM!! It's all gone! Stupid friggin' world.....
First, I got homeworks not done yet, and talking about homework, lots of em..... And not I got assignments to do! I'm so not used to doing assignments.... 2 test paper to finish before my mum gets home and thats like, less than 30 minutes left... Worst thing is it's english! Worst subject of everything!! Life sucks.... Besides this, I'm still not happy the short break is over.... Exams are just so near, I better switch off the computer switch, I'm really addicted or something.... First thing in the morning press the button on the CPU to on the computer, next click on my user and type my password to enter my account then go on MSN then on media player...... One thing.... I'm addicted to computer..... Pshhh, at least my condition ain't as bad as my brother's, haha, talk about computers!
And there are some stuff which I will NOT say it here =) unless you're psychic or something and can get my diary's URL and username and password....(diaryland password thing rawks, theres user and password to type in).... By the way, thank you Wee Shan for all your chewing gum, haha, it's almost gone already.... Left about..... 8 of the juicy fruit one, keep the best for the last =) And you probably will see me different when I go back to school.... I got a friggin' haircut and it sucks big time, they made it too short..... I could still tie though, and it's longer than jayce's.... Not so short, shoulder length.... But I hate the fringe, argh!! I got that thought of skipping school, I can't let people see me like this!! Anyway I got clips already, except I'll still look wierd.... I didn't know what my mum told the person to cut, but it's friggin' wierd/ugly/watever..... I swear I'm never gonna let my mum decide on a haircut next time... How I wish I can decide how fast my hair grows or if it even grows at all(haha, if I like it in some way I'll let it stay there!).... I'm day dreaming again...
I'm gonna grab a chewing gum and close the door and get on with homework now..... Ciao.....
PS... Anyone know who is Tell me who is s/he, I need to put her/him in a group... Who the hell can this be anyway.... *confused*
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Today performance really sucks I tell you..... Hehe, early morning Wee Shan came over at about 7am, then Marinah came about 5-10 minutes later. My mum got all the makeup stuff ready =P I went first with the makeup... Then was Marinah then Wee Shan... Then tie our hair, again I'm first, then Marinah then Wee Shan... Then was the lip stick......... This time Marinah was first(I wanna see how red it is, Marinah is the guinea pig =P), next is me then Wee Shan... My mum say Wee Shan the easiest cause she won't move about, haha, I move the most. While my mum was helping Wee Shan with the makeup I tried to make her laugh so she would move, lol! I was too late, then wanted to ruin the lip stick one for her, haha, but at the end didn't.... We took some photos with the digital camera 0.0 we look extremely wierd. Then we had to walk to school in the costumes.... Damn, attracting attention time.....
Okay, performance was like argh.... We had to move the Guzheng out in our costume which is long skirt(no slits at side so you only could take small steps and very long for some of us, can touch the floor, I almost trip a couple of times). It was so hot! Had mdm heng to tell us a ghost story, wasn't scary at all but it was okay. Then the performance was like argh... There was so little people!! They watch they don'y freakin know how to applause! Until the principle clap then everyone start clapping, I was like, Oh my god...... How could they do that! We worked very hard! We weren't suppose to perform anymore and concentrate for PSLE but we sacrificed our time!(actually most of it to get the eagle award, $$$, but very little $$$, but it's still $$$ right?) We eat lunch(provided) then move the guzhengs back to the room then change(I didn't change, didn't bring clothes). Then had to walk back home in the costumes while Wee Shan, Marinah and Shi Yuan were all changed *sweatdrop* so embarressing........... The marinah was like whispering and walking so behind, argh! I'm not helping you with your blogskin already! Do it yourself! Pfffttt!! And don't ask me for anymore songs!!
So after we seperated ways with Marinah and Shi Yuan, me and Wee Shan proceed to my house(she's coming over to play). Wee Shan told her parents she went to TM with me and I eating dinner there *diaoded*, so she stayed till dinner time. Most of the time we were at quizilla doing all those quizzes, haha, it was so funny! Some results were like, oh my god lol! We then played Zoo Tycoon, continued on my save game, trapped the guest in the zoo then let all the animals out! Chaos!!! The carnivores animals(lions, cheetahs, tigers...ect...ect...) were biting the guest and the guest were screaming and running around the whole zoo!!! Haha!! At the end we check out my last year christmas presant, the joke set. She's scared of the glow in the dark maggots *sweatdrop*...... True, it's really disgusting but it still isn't real maggots(it feels like it though, not that I touched a real maggot before! It's sticky, slimey and squishy), it looks kinda like a real one too. Then I went to put on the glasses and teeth from the joke set, haha, ask Wee Shan, I look damn wierd! Maybe someday I'll take a picture if possible!
Well, tomorrow coming home at 10am =) national day celebration. I just finished an English test paper and 2 passages of chinese 'chao xie'. Haha, got to be hardworking already. Btw, last time wasn't Shortlisted for Dunman High..... Last time was just a stupid trial..... Now I'm really Shortlisted and need to take the stupid general ability test.... Don't need to study.... It's more like a test to see how alert or something, or maybe see your personality or something..... It's this psy??????? test, I checked the internet and it came out a personality test. My father ask me to do it everyday cause maybe the question will be about the same, hopefully what he said is true..... Bless me.....
Friday, August 05, 2005
Recently I'm addicted to eminem's songs.... Eminem is so cool, he's the coolest person ever! I keep hearing 'mocking bird' and 'ass like that'... It's so nice, especially mocking bird. There's another song 'my balls' sang with D12, very funny, but loads of vulgar... At the end theres 'I'm talking about football, football!'...
Yeah, now I start hearing Ashlee Simspon's song too... Autobiography, her album.... And yeah, another song... Eminem feat the game, 4 in the mornin', also really really nice... Today went to Anglican High with Jayce, Marinah and Dory... Met Dory today, she's nice =) All of em tried for Chinese Drama and Choir... Jayce got in both, Marinah got in Chinese Drama, Dory got in choir(I'm not sure about chinese drama)... I had to wait for em very long outside! I met YuLin there =) Wee Shan you're so dead! She say she wanna strangle you for not coming to Anglican, haha. On the way there, it's really tiring! The hill is like, argh! Don't feel like talking about it already..... Sheri's wonderful today... She gave me 34 for my lousy composition, haha.
YeahI know sometimes Things may not always make sense to you right nowBut hey, what daddy always tell you?Straighten up little soldierStiffen up that other limbWhat you crying about?You got meHailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dadWell I'm gone but I'm trying to give you the life that I never hadI can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laughI can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cryCuz you're scared, I ain't there?Daddy's with you in your prayersNo more crying, wipe them tearsDaddy's here, no more nightmaresWe gon' pull together through it, we gon' do itLaney uncles crazy, aint he?Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know itWe're all we got in this worldWhen it spins, when it swirlsWhen it whirls, when it twirlsTwo little beautiful girlsLookin' puzzled, in a dazeI know it's confusing youDaddy's always on the move, mamma's always on the newsI try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seemsThe harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on meAll the things growing up his daddy that he had to seeDaddy don't want you to see but you see just as much as he didWe did not plan it to be this way, your mother and meBut things have gotten so bad between usI don't see us ever being together ever againLike we used to be when we was teenagersBut then of course everything always happens for a reasonI guess it was never meant to beBut it's just something we have no control over And that's what destiny isBut no more worries, rest your head and go to sleepMaybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream[Chorus]Now hush little baby, don't you cryEverything's gonna be alrightStiffen that ?limb up? little lady, i told yaDaddy's here to hold ya through the nightI know mommy's not here right now and we don't know whyWe feel how we feel insideIt may seem a little crazy, pretty babyBut i promise momma's gon' be alrightIt's funnyI remember back one year when daddy had no moneyMommy wrapped the Christmas presents upAnd stuck 'em under the tree and said some of 'em were from meCuz daddy couldn't buy 'emI'll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night cryingCuz daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a jobBut his job was to keep the food on the table for you and momAnd at the time every house that we lived inEither kept getting broke into and robbedOr shot up on the block And your mom was saving money for you in a jarTryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to collegeAlmost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole itAnd I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma's heartAnd it seemed like everything was just startin' to fall apartMom and dad was arguin' a lot so momma moved backOn the Chalmers in the flat one bedroom apartmentAnd dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on NovaraAnd that's when daddy went to California with his CD and met Dr. DreAnd flew you and momma out to see meBut daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave meThen you started seeing daddy on the T.V. and momma didn't like itAnd you and Laney were to young to understand itPapa was a rollin' stone, momma developed a habitAnd it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab itI'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first handCuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proudNow I'm sittin in this empty house, just reminiscingLookin' at your baby pictures, it just trips me outTo see how much you both have grown It's almost like you're sisters nowWow, guess you pretty much are and daddy's still hereLaney I'm talkin' to you too, daddy's still hereI like the sound of that, yeahIt's got a ring to it don't it?Shh, momma's only gone for the moment[Chorus]And if you ask me tooDaddy's gonna buy you a mockingbirdI'mma give you the worldI'mma buy a diamond ring for youI'mma sing for youI'll do anything for you to see you smileAnd if that mockingbird don't sing and that ring don't shineI'mma break that birdies neckI'd go back to the jewler who sold it to yaAnd make him eat every carat don't fuck with dad (haha)
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Happy Birthday Jayce
*song starts*
*song ends*
Happy birthday to you Jaycelyn! Like the present from Marinah and I? Is it nice? Tell the truth! Wish you a happy birthday and good luck for tomorrow's audition(also to Marinah). I want you to know that you've always been a great friend... You're really supportive and you wish me luck(like so often?)... Haha... As a second present to you.... I vow that I'll never talk about your attire and everything again, good news huh? But I can't help if Marinah says anything *laughs*(joke joke...) Wish you the best of luck!! I know you can do it Jayce!! And a very happy birthday to you!! *music on*
*clicks publish*
wierd day!!
Yesterday is....Oh my god!! I skipped maths buddy cause I got that checkup thing... Went to the hospital there.... At first see the doctor, asked me some question... The doctor is so funny! He ask me one size thing... Size of 50 cent coin? 20 cent coin? 10 cent coin? I say I not sure... Then he went to take his wallet out and took out some coins! Haha, he's so funny!! He's kinda young, if I see, probably only about 20+ or 30+ years old. I think he's younger than my mum! And I saw RUI EN and QI YU WU!!!! They're shooting the new TV series about NKF thing... RUI EN!! QI YU WU!! Oh my gosh!
Oh yeah, and I got a blood test done... Ouch... I tell you... Ouch.... At the end it's alittle bad but still at the average level... So I'm discharged =) I still can't believe I saw em! It's so amazing, if I'm not rushing for the appointment it would be perfect, can ask for autograph... Then went to orchard road.... Need to send my phone for servicing.... Still using same number and everything... Only thing is now can't sms and call me since the phone isn't with me... Oh yah, I got my ears pierced too.... Jayce and Marinah have been waiting soooo long.... Got a white gold one with man made diamond.... Spent my mum(actually dad since my mum asked for money from my dad afterwards) $86, plus there are these 2 'ear care' thing you need to apply on the earhole every morn and night for a month to prevent any infection and everything, i think it's $100+ already... Haha.. So tired, *yawn*.... Now I got work to do.... Mum assigned, but I'm actually okay with it... I got to transfer my songs to my mp3 already... Sigh... So troublesome